Chapter 31: Just Another Full Moon. NOT!

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I will use there marauder nicknames when the five are alone and talk to each other or when they are Helping the lupin

April 5

Third person

A day after Gryffindor won the quidditch cup it was a full moon. The Maruaders and Mackenzie were just hanging out in the boys dorm.

"Moony. Why can't I come I came this time!" Mackenzie complained.

"Because your shoulder just got better and I don't want you to hurt it again." He responded.

"He brings a good point up tiger lily ." Sirius agreed.

"Oh shut it I went through worse and you know it!" She fought back.

"Tiger I know you love us all very dearly except for maybe Wormtail ,no offense. But none the less your still want to do everything you can to help and protect us. Which might just kill you." James reasoned.

"I don't care I'm going not matter what!" She said with her arms crossed.

The boys all know that when Mackenzie is like this they'll never get her to change her mind.


Prongs, Padfoot, and Wormtail all meant Moony and Iris in the shrieking shack. Tiger Lily soon came in after them. The lupin's began there normal but painful routine of changing into there werewolf forms. Instead of tiger lily playing Iris she played with Moony and Padfoot played with Iris. Prongs and Wormtail stood blocking the door as usual. Everything was going fine until Padfoot decided to run out the shrieking shack with the lupins close behind. Tiger lily, Wormtail, and prongs trying to stop them. But it was to late Padfoot led them to where Snape was hiding behind a bush. Snape was terrified seeing the two werewolves.

The lupins  didn't like people so they bared there teeth getting ready to act but before they could Snape took out his wand and aimed at the lupins and shouted "Sectumsempra"

But before the spell hit them tiger lily jumped in front of them the spell hitting her instead.

The spell cut her skin all over the place. She screamed in agony as the spell cut her. It felt like a dozen knives slashing at her. The lupin's changed back into the human forms as did Padfoot, Prongs, Wormtail, and Tiger Lily. Snape stood there in shock and the took off running probably to tell Dumbledore about the Lupins not that he doesn't already know.

"We have to get her to the hospital. I've never seen this spell before." Moony said as Padfoot quickly picked her up and ran to the hospital wing.

"Iris go get Mcgnagall, And Dumbledore. You can also inform lily, Bella, Charlie, and anyone else about were we are." Prongs  instructs running after Moony and Padfoot.

While Iris took off in the other direction. "I've never seen a spell like this before." Madame Pomfrey trying to stop Mackenzie's bleeding.

"What happened!" Professor Mcgnagall came rushing in with Dumbledore behind.

"Severus Snape cast a spell I never heard of on her." James said because Sirius was bawling.

"I-I-If i w-w-w-wasn't so-o-o stupid a-n-n-nd tried t-o-o-o scare Sna-a-a-pe. She-e-e-e wouldn't be-e-e here!" Sirius sad bawling.

"Get Severus in here right away!" Mcgnagall said sternly towards Iris as Iris went to go find him.

"what happened!!!!!" Charlie said bursting in with Lily, Bella, and Griffin right behind. Charlie rushed over to Mackenzie her bandages seeping with blood.

"Who did this!" Charlie sod through gritted teeth.

"I-i-i-i did-d-d." Sirius wailed.

"WHAT?!?!?!" Lily, Charlie, Bella, and Griffin shouted.

"No it wasn't it was Snape's fault." Remus reasoned.

"B-b-b-but if I wasn't tr-r-r-ying to-o-o scare Sn-n-n-nape this wo-o-o-ouldn't h-h-h-have cast that spell a-a-a-nd this wouldn't h-a-a-a-ave happened." Sirius sobbed.

"I've got him professor!" Iris yelled pulling Snape behind her.

"You! You did this! You fix it!" Charlie yelled picking Snape up by his shirt.

"Please." Charlie whispers and let's go of Snape and starts to sob.

Snape says the counter curse. The blood starts to go back into the cuts and the smaller ones close up and scar over. The larger ones scab over. Pomfrey rebandages Mackenzie's wounds. Snape who's in a load of trouble follows Dumbledore to his office.

"Will she be ok?" Griffin says standing over her.

"Yes but right now I she's in a coma." Pomfrey said gravely.

"How long?" Remus asked worriedly.

"I don't know." Pomfrey responded.

Growing up with the Mauraders (Book 1) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now