Chapter 9: A New Start and a New Friend

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It's the day I've been waiting for since school ended. The beginning of school. September first rolled around as I was dropped off at platform 9 ¾ by our house elf Kreacher. I found James and Sirius first and together we found Lily, Peter and Remus. Except Remus wasn't alone, he was with a red haired girl. It wasn't as red as Lily's it was more orangish and had light blue streaks.

She turned at the sound of new people her blue eyes flashing in panic. She was a few inches shorter than me and I began to wonder if Remus got a girlfriend over the summer.

Instead of introducing ourselves politely to the new girl, Sirius was being Sirius. He was blunt and to the point saying, "Hey Moony, finally get a girl?"

James snickers and Lily hits him with a book. "OW!" He exclaims rubbing his arm.

Remus rolls his eyes, "No Sirius, this is Iris. She's my half sister."

"Since when?!" James exclaims and Lily glares at him raising her book. James flinches away but nothing happens.

"I'll tell you everything but right now we have to board the train." Remus says and we make our way to our usual compartment.

Once we are all seated, I ask the question everyone has been dying to ask, "Since when do you have a half sister?"

"Uh since middle of last year?" He shrugs.

"And you didn't bother to tell us?" Sirius adds.

"He didn't know," the girl, Remus sister, Iris states. "At least not really. His dad sent him a brief letter, not going into details. I formally met him over the summer."

"Oh," We all collectively murmur. Still trying to process it all.

There is an awkward silence before Lily breaks it, "It's nice to meet your Iris. I am Lily Evans. I am friends with your brother and I am in 7th year with him."

"Nice to meet you Lily."

After that we all introduce ourselves to Iris. After introductions, Iris tells us her story. Remus' father had an affair thus creating Iris. Remus' father never told anyone about it and that's why neither of them knew about one another. The reason of the sudden discovery of Iris was due to her mother becoming ill and eventually dying. Remus father was her only family left. So over the summer she left her house in France and transferred from Beauxbaton to Hogwarts.

As she tells the story I notices she fiddles with the bracelet on her left wrist. Three scars ,similar to the ones on Remus' face, were prominent on her forearm.

Lily and James, surprisingly, were chosen as Head Girl and Boy. How James was chosen I'll never know, he wasn't even a prefect. Anyway about halfway through the train ride Lily and James had to go off an fifull there head prefect duties.

Remus was sleeping, Peter got hungry so he went to look for the trolley, and Sirius got bored so he decided to go talk to some girls. Leaving Iris and I alone. It was incredibly awkward as I tired to find how to start a conversation'

After thinking for awhile I ask "Iris, You play quidditch?"

"Yeah," She smiles, "I was a chaser and receiver seeker at Beauxbaton. I'd love to try out for the team here."

Happy I found a good topic of conversation I add, "We need more of them, at least for Gryffindor."

She looks slightly confused so I explain, "At Hogwarts inside of having just one team we have for 1 of each other the 4 houses. I am sure Remus mentioned about the 4 houses right?"

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