Chapter 47: Adult Hood

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This chapter is dedicated to my friend Sarah who has supported me through out this whole story. 


I moved in with James and Sirius. It's been nice but a bit messy. An owl knocks on the window and I go see what it's brought

"James I just got a letter from Molly. She and Arthur had there third son his name is Percy." I say to James who was reading the paper.

"Oh that's great. Wait did you say third kid?" He asks confused.

"Yeah Molly and Arthur are like five years older then us. They both missed there last two years (6 & 7) of school to take care of their first son William whom they call Bill and the other son Charlie. The both stayed home with the two kids until Bill was three and Charlie was two. Anyway they came back to school when we were in our sixth year so that's why they graduated with us." I explain.

"Oh ok." He says going back to the paper he was reading.

"When is Sirius coming back?" I ask. "He around be here any minute." He responds looking at the clock. Sirius then floos in minutes later.

"So how was the game?" James asks excited.

"Great. We pummeled Slytherin 250-20." He grinned proudly.

"Mac always hit her target and Iris found the snitch so fast the other seeker didn't notice." He added.

"How was Iris and Missy. Especially after last night." I question.

"Red looked a bit tired and Mac seemed fine except for a few scratches. But I did over hear that Mac has a big scar on her stomach." Sirius says truthfully.

We all sigh and then I change the subject. "Hey when is Remus and Peter coming over?" I ask heading into the kitchen.

"I don't maybe two hours right Padfoot?" James shouts.

"Yeah like two hours why?" Sirius responds.

"I want to stop by and see Molly." I yell.

"Alright just be back by 4" James hollers.

I then head to the kitchen and use the floo network to go to Molly's house the burrow. I then was in their kitchen.

"Hello" I call out and Arthur Weasley walks.

"Oh hello Lily nice to see you. Have you come to see Molly?" He asks.

"Yes if she's up for visitors." I say.

"She is come follow me." He says leading me to a bedroom.

"Hey Molly." I say walking over to her.

She looks a little tired but other then that is fine. She's holding Percy in her arms and let me tell you that kid is diffidently a Weasley with his freckles and red hair.

"Aw he's so cute. " I say looking down at him.

"Thank you. You can hold Him if you like." She says handing me Percy.

"He's your third am I correct?" I ask.


"Well Molly you just don't seem the type to have kids before your married." I say rocking Percy.

"I know it's not ideal but wouldn't change them for anything in the world.

In fact Arthur and I were planing to get married next month it only a small ceremony." She says.

"Aw that's nice."

"Speaking of my sons you should meet them. Bill! Charlie! Get in here." She yells.

Two little boys dash into the room both with the signature red hair and freckles one had a band aid on his forehead .

"Now boys this is mommy' and daddy's friend Lily." She says talking to them.

"Lily this is my son Bill who's 5" she said pointing to the one with the band aid.

"And this is Charlie and he's 4." She said pointing to the slightly shorter one."

"Nice to meet you." The both said.

"Are you going to take our brother Percy and adopt him?" Charlie asks.

"I'm not sorry he's staying with you." I say smiling.

"Ah shoot. Why won't no one take him?" Bill said.

"Bill! Charlie!" Molly scolds and they dash off. I look at the clock and its four o'clock.

It's been two hours and time really flys. "Well Molly it was nice meeting the family.but I must get going." I say handing her back Percy.

"Alright dear. It was nice to see you." She says. I get to the kitchen and floo home.

"I'm home." I call.

"Hey Lily flower we are in the living room watching Disney Movies. Finding Nemo is on." James yells.

I walk into the living room to see Remus, James, and Sirius all sitting around the tv.

"Where's Peter?" I ask.

"He had plans." Sirius said without looking away from the tv.

"Scoot over." I say sitting in between Remus and James.

I rat my head on his shoulder thinking that I wouldn't trade these guys for anything in the world even if they are annoying, cocky, and stubborn at times.

Growing up with the Mauraders (Book 1) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now