Chapter 63: We are all in this together

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Today is the Quidditch house cup. Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. As in eating breakfast the song we are all in this together from a muggle movie Lily made me watch High School Musical 3 senior year. Anyway I quickly finished eating and head to the locker room to get changed. Once I was done I headed out to the pitch. The rest of the team showed up a bit after.

"Alright guys this is now or never. It's a lot of our teams last chance to win this tittle for one last time." I say looking at all the seventh years. They make up a majority of the team.

Time skip

"M.Wood has the quaffle as is cutting in and out of Slytherin players. Crabbe sends a bludger her way but Black blocks it and sends it to the Keeper." Ben announces. "M. Wood passes to Grace and grace scores. The score is 150-100 Gryffindor." Ben says.

Time skip

"450 to 200 points later and no sign of the snitch." Ben announces. Suddenly the Slytherin seeker takes off. He has spotted the snitch Iris quickly follows him. "The two seekers are now neck and neck." Ben says. "They both lunge for the snitch. And the person who has caught the snitch is.............."

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I'm kidding do you really think I was going to end the chapter it was getting good.

"Slytherin" Ben announces. The Slytherin stand erupts in cheers.

"BUT they how ever didn't win the match. GRYFFINDOR WINS THE MATCH AND HOUSE CUP 450-350!" Ben announces.

Everyone but the Slytherins erupt in cheers. What away to end the Quidditch season.

Growing up with the Mauraders (Book 1) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now