Chapter 24: The A Team

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The picture above is of James and Mackenzie. The H on James sweatshirt stands for hogwarts. I didn't draw the ociture I can't draw to save my life. I found it on pintrest so credit to whoever drew it.


Surprisingly it was a nice day in March. The air was crisp and the wind was hardly blowing at all. Sure the sky was cloudy but when's it not this time of year. The weather was perfect for quidditch. It's the semi finals between us and that snake house and the winner plays Ravenclaw in the Quidditch Cup.

"Hurry up you're going to make us late," I holler at Mackenzie, Iris, and Sirius.

"Cool your jets Prongs," Sirius states, "We got thirty minutes before the team will; even begin to show up."

"Shut up Padfoot" I glare, "I am nervous. If Slytherin doesn't lose we lose all chances of winning the house cup."

"Babe calm down." Lily says kissing my cheek.

I just huff, "Clearly I am the only one focused enough today. I'm going to get ready for the match."



"Hey needs to chill out." Iris says once James was gone.

"He's the captain though," Mackenzie adds.

"He also worried you are gonna get hurt again." I mumble.

"Why would he be worried about me?" Mac asks.

Crap she wasn't supposed to know.

"Well the last time we played Slytherin you where in the hospital wing for a week." Lily chimes.

"Whatever." Mackenzie rolls her eyes, "I'm going to get ready."

"Me too." Iris says and they both leave.

"I guess that's my que to leave as well." I state and follow them.


Third person

"Alright team. This match is going to make or break is for the quidditch cup." James states.

"But remember to have fun." Sirius adds.

"Shut up Sirius." James says he continues his speech.

"Chasers need to be fast and quick. Play fair but if you have to a little shove or push never hurt anyone. Beaters be strong and direct the bludgers to the chasers and seeker. Iris be alert and catch the snitch quick. Ok it's time to go out. Let's go!"

They two teams fly out and Madame Hooch releases the snitch and bludgers. She then throws up the quaffle up and the game began. James quickly grabs the quaffle and advances towards the post at the last minute he passes to Griffin Wood, Charlie' Wood's brother, who takes the shot and scores.

"10 points to Gryffindor!" Alex Jordan the announcer shouts.

A bludger was heading towards Iris but Mackenzie hit it away towards the Slytherin keeper. The keeper moves to avoid the bludger and James takes the opportunity to score.

"20-0 Gryffindor." Alex shouts.

Snape hits a bludger towards Mackenzie when she wasn't looking but Sirius notices and hits away.

"Not again Snivellus." He yells.

The game continues Slytherin scores a few and Gryffindor scores a couple more. The score is 80-30 Gryffindor. Iris spots the snitch and takes off after it. The Slytherin chaser hot on her tail. After a few more antagonizing minutes to see who caught the snitch Gryffindor scores 5 more times and Slytherin 2. Score 130-50. Iris finally catches the snitch ending the game and making Gryffindor win. They would know go to the finals for the quidditch cup. As Mackenzie is celebrating ,still in the air, Snape hits the bludger towards her left arm. It hits her with a loud crack. Mackenzie speeds toward the ground with her face full of pain. Once she hits the ground she runs towards James and Sirius in tears.

"What happened sis?" James asks.

"I-i-I goo-ot hit while-i-i-I-th a-a blu-u-udger." She sobs.

Sirius checks her shoulder and it's jutted out awkwardly, not like it should. "Yea we got to get to to Madame Pomfrey." He says and helps her there.


"My my my. What happened?" Madame Pomfery Tuts.

"Bludger to the shoulder." Sirius responds.

"Let me have a look." Madame Pomfrey says.

Mackenzie's face twists in pain at the movement and pressure Madame Pomfrey does to check it out.

"Well it looks like you dislocated your shoulder and broke your arm." Pomfrey confirms.

"I can fix the arm on no time but she'll have to wear a cast. But the shoulder that has to be fixed by muggle surgery. She will be out from one to two weeks." She continues.

Mackenzie just nodded, staring off at a wall.

"What the heck happened?" Lily asks rushing in flanked by Bella and Iris, Remus and Peter. "I was going to hug you after we won but you weren't there and neither was your brothers."

"Then Snape came over all smug and said why don't you check the hospital wing. And walked off." Iris adds.

"You need to stop getting hurt against Slytherin. Or I won't let you play against them any more. And I'm sure Sirius and James agree." Remus states.

"I second that." Sirius says.

"Same." James adds.

"Third." Bella and Lily agree.

"Fourth." Peter squeaks.

The door squeals open and Charlie rushes in followed by Jake and Jackson "You okay." He asks out of breathe.

"I am okay," Mackenzie responds mustering a small smile.

Charlie returns the gesture and grabs her right hand.

"I'm I missing something?" Sirius asks thoroughly confused.

The girls are looking like they are going to burst. Jake and Jackson keep needing Charlie suggestive looks.

"Well." Charlie begins. "I really like spending time with you at the ball and I was going to ask you after the match if you'd like to go on a date with me?"

Mackenzie smiles, "I would-."

Bella yells "YEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

Iris shouts " FINALLY!"

Lily says "You two are so cute."

Mackenzie looks at her friends like they are aliens.

"You didn't even know what I was going to say." Mackenzie protests.

"That my be true but we know you." Lily states with a smirk.

"Um so is that a yes?" Charlie asks rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh right." Mackensie laughs, "Yes I'll go on a date with you."

"Know we need to go over some rules-" James starts but is cut off by Griffin Wood and the rest of the quidditch team coming in.

"Is she alright?" Castiel Novak, a chaser, asks.

"She'll be able to play for the finals right?" Arthur Weasley adds.

"What the hell are you doing here Charlie?" Griffin Wood asks.

"I'm here because my..." Charlie looks for the right word, "friend? Yeah my friend is here."

"Since when are you friends with Lil Black over here little brother?" Griffin smirks. Charlie struggles for a response but Griffin just chuckles and says he was just messing with him.

Madame Pomfrey comes back in with a potion to heal Mackenzie's broken arm and puts it in a cast.

"There are to many people here. Miss Black needs her rest get out." Pomfrey commands.

Everyone bids there goodbyes and walks out. 

Growing up with the Mauraders (Book 1) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now