Chapter 34: Class

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After Madame Pomfrey made sure I was ok she discharged me and I was free to go. The girls have been doing my homework for me so I just have to do the class work. I have potions first period with Slytherins but Charlie is also I. It too.

"Today class we will be brewing Amortenia. A love potion. Now it can't create actual love but it can make the person think they love you. It smells like the person you love." Professor Slughorn said.

"You will work in pairs of two to make the potion and then tell the class what you smell."

"What to be my partner?" I ask Charlie. "Like you have a choice." He said smirking and pulling me to a caldron.

I got up the ingredients and Charlie put them in and stirred it.  When we finished the potion smelled like Peppermint, Grass, and  the Ocean. I only know one person who smells like that and he's sitting right next to me.

"Alright class times up." Slughorn announced.

"Please pour your potion I to the vile and turn it in on my desk. Katie ,a Slytherin, what does your potion smell like?"

"Pumpkin spice, cinnamon, and garlic. " and we just went down the line one kid said his smelled like sweat, rose, and a monkey.

When it was my turn I said what mine smelled like and saw Charlie smile. Charlie his smelled like rose, the forest, and parchment and I blushed.

At the end of class Charlie pulled me aside and asked "want to go on a date tonight?"

"Sure I'd love to where and what time?"

"Black lake 11 o'clock."

"Alright see you then." I said kissing his check and heading to my next class.

I went to charms where we learned non verbal spells. Next, was Transfiguration where we learned how to change a trunk into a cat. Defense against the dark arts where Jake, Jackson, Bella, Iris, and I where in. We where learning how to cast a pratornus. Iris and I knew what we were doing so We really didn't Practice. It was hard to see what anyone's patronus was because the room was crowded all you could see was white flashes. Then the professor told us to line up and cast our patronuses. Jackson's was a puma, Jake's was a fox, Iris' was a jaguar , Bella's was a squirrel, mine as a Tiger, and so was Charlie's. At the end of class Charlie came up and asked me why we had the same patronuses and I answered page 209 . When classes were done I head to the common room to start my homework and get ready do my date.

Growing up with the Mauraders (Book 1) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now