Chapter 69: It's about time

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September 5


I walked into Lily's room upstairs we are using to get ready for the wedding.

"What's that Lils?" I asked pointing to a box.

"Oh it's from James. There glass slippers. The note said Shoes fit for my princess. I know it's cheesy but I think it's cute." Lily said.

"I thought I heard a Mazie." Iris came in followed by Bella, Molly, and Cinder.

"Hey guys I haven't seen you in ages." I said giving them all a hug.

"Molls you look absolutely glowing." I tell Molly.

"Thank you. Arthur and I are so excited." She beamed.

"Hey Rainbow. How's your furry problem?" I whisper.

"It's fine." She whispered back.

Once I got caught up with everyone and took a shower. Cinder did my makeup and Lily did my hair. The wedding was at noon and most of us were ready. Iris just need her make up done and Molly need her hair and makeup done.

"Hey Mackenzie can you take Percy to Mrs. Potter. He's in the carrier over there." Molly asked pointing to the carrier on the bed.

"Make sure the boys are ready." Lily added putting in her earnings.

"No problem." I say picking up a smiling Percy and heading downstairs.

"Mac thank goodness you are down here. James is going insane. He tried to run. Please talk some sense into him." Sirius pleaded.

I hand Percy off to Sirius.

"Take him to mum. I'll take care of James." I instruct.

I walk over to James and slap him in the face. "Ow what was that for." He said holding his check.

"For being stupid why are you freaking out and trying to run." I say crossing my arms.

"Well I'm just so nervous what if I forget my vows, or what if I can't talk. What if Lily comes to her sense and realizes I'm not good enough. She could leave me or get abducted by aliens. " he rambled on.

I slapped him again. "Ow. Would you stop that!" I said hitting his other check.

I grab his face and say "Get it through your thick scull that Lily loves you. If she didn't she wouldn't have gone a date with you, wouldn't have said yes when you gave her the promise ring and engagement ring. She'll say yes today."

"Thanks Kenzie. I needed it." James said hugging me.

"Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back upstairs. The weddings going to start soon." I headed back upstairs and every one was ready. Once we got the ok from Mrs. Potter all the girls headed downstairs.


Mum ushered all of us guys out. I went to go stand at the alter. The rest of them went to stand at the cross isle. Mum had Percy and was getting Bill and Charlie ready. The music stared and Bill came down carrying the rings. He got to the alter and then my mum directed him to sit next to Charlie (wood) who was in the third row along with Jake, Malina, Jackson, and Griffin's wife Caroline and son Oliver. Bella meet Griffin at the cross aisle and walked to the alter and then went there separate ways to the first row on the left and right. Cinder followed them with Peter. After them was Molly and Arthur and then Iris and Remus. Kenzie and Sirius the. Walked down and stood next to me on the alter. Charlie weasley came out next holding a sign that read here comes the bride. He was also directed by mum to were his brother was sitting. The music changed and Lily walked out accompanied by her father. She looks absolutely stunning, beautiful, gorgeous, amazing. To pretty for words. When she walked past her sister petunia and her sisters fiancée. Petunia scoffed. That made me mad but I calmed down once I looked at Lily. She meet me at the alter and the ceremony began.

Time skip

"Now it's time for the vows that they have prepared themselves." the priest announced.

"Lily I have loved you since the first day I saw you in the hogwarts express. But you probably already know that form my constant asking you out and you rejecting me. You are so pretty, funny, and smart. You are my world and changed me for the better. You don't know how happy I was when you finally said yes to me. I love you may Lily flower. " slipping the ring on her finger.

Lily was smiling through her tears. She took a breath and began "James I use to think you were a arrogant, and cocky who liked to bully people for fun. But as the years went bye you grew up. And even after I'll the times I said no to you you still asked. You became mature and a gentlemen and I slowly stated to love you. When you asked me and I finally said yes your face was so cute. You looked like Christmas came early. I love you so much. She slipped the ring on.

"Do you James take Lily to be your lawfully wedded wife? In sickness and in health? For rich or for poor? Till death do you part?"

"I do" I say smiling widely.

"And do you Lily take James to be your lawfully wedded husband? Through sickness and in health? For rich or for poor? Till death do you part?"

"I do" she said returning the smile.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride ."

I leaned in and so did Lily. Then I took her by the waist and dipped her.

"You don't know how long I've waited for this day." I said.

"Just kiss me you doof." She said smiling.

She didn't have to tell me twice I leaned in and kissed her. Are family and friends erupted in cheers. Lily took my arm and we walked down the aisle.

Time skip to reception


The backyard went changed to a reversion area with a dancing floor. The food was served and everyone ate. In the middle of dinner Sirius stood up holding his wine glass.

"If I could have all your attention. Thanks. I'm the best man and I was told I had to give a speech so here it goes. I've known James since we were 11. The first day on the train we saw a red haired girl and James instantly fell in love. James other friends Peter and Remus and I thought this was just a phase. Boy  were we wrong. Turns out it wasn't which lead to 6 long years at hogwarts. James always tried to get Lily to like him and asked her out as often as he could. To which Lily returned with a firm no. I remember one year when ever Lily raised her hand I would high five it. When I wasn't there  I talked James into doing it as an excuse to flirt and Remus by bribing him with chocolate. When neither of the three of us could do it Peter did it. He got so excited he accidentally hit Lily on the face.   But after years and years of asking Lily finally said yes in our 7th year. Which brings me to were we are today. Congrats Lily and James." He said raising his glass.

Then Mackenzie got up. "I've watched the guy who is like a brother go after my best friend. When I First meet Lily it was after I was sorted. Me and her spent a lot of time together that year and became close. Through the rest of the years Lily would always complain about James. Saying stuff likes "he's a prick/grit." "He's such a Bully." "He's annoying why won't  he leave me alone." "He's so cocky and full of himself." And so on. But I noticed she never through out any of the love notes she received. So in my opinion I think she always liked him but didn't want to admit it. Any way when she said yes James was ecstatic. They went on a date and it blossomed form there. I'm so happy for the two of you." Mackenzie finished.

After dinner they danced and cut the cake. Then danced some more. Griffin and Caroline left early because Oliver was cranky and Arthur and Molly soon left as well with the boys. Most of the teenagers their had a little to much to drink. Lily and James left to go on there 1 month long honeymoon. After the reception Mackenzie and Charlie apperated back to Mackenzie's house. They went to her room and stared to make out and escalated from there.

Growing up with the Mauraders (Book 1) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now