Chapter 11: Our Roomate

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After teaching Iris how to cast a patronus we headed back to our dorm. When we arrive see a blonde with curly hair rummaging around.

"I think you've got the wrong room," I call out.
The blonde turns showing a face full of freckles with light blue eyes.

We all just kind of stare at each other before freckles says, "Sorry I didn't hear you come in. My names Bella Scheider. I'm your other room mate."

"The one late came in late yesterday and left early today?" Iris asks.

Bella smiles brightly, "Yep that's me."
Iris and I share a look and then shrug. She seems harmless.

"Mackenzie's such a mouthful to say," Bella says after we introduce ourselves.

I am taken aback, "Excuse me?"

She shrugs, "Nothing personal. It's just really long. Do you have any nicknames?"

I look at Iris and give her a "is she serious?" look. Amused Iris just shrugs.

"Uh, My brother and his friends call me Kenzie."

"Eh, that's okay I guess." Bella responds.

"Do you have any ideas?" Iris asks.

Bella thinks for a minute before exclaiming, "Mazie. That's what I'll you!"

Iris chuckles, as I just stare at her bewildered, "Maize?"

Bella shrugs, "Yea. Or I could call you Mack."

"Nope." I say quickly, "Maize is fine."

Bella smiles happily and then turns to Iris, "And I think I'll call you Rainbow."

The look on Iris' face is priceless that I can't help laugh loudly.

"What, why Rainbow?" Iris sputters.

"She's the greek goddess of Rainbows." Bella replies.

Iris thinks it over before muttering, "At least I am a goddess."

"Now wait a sec," I say, "We have to give you a nickname then. After all it's only fair."

"I suppose so." Bella states.

I look at Iris who shrugs, not giving me any ideas, so I just say the name I thought of first, "Freckles."

"Freckles?" Bella giggles.

"Yea. Freckles. You've got a lot of them. It was the first thing I noticed about you."  I reply

"Fair enough," She smiles.
"Yo Freckles," Iris says tossing a chocolate frog to Bella, who was sitting on her bed. "Do you play quidditch?"

Bella laughs and unwraps the chocolate frog, "Yes no. I don't play, I am awful."

"I'm sure you're not that bad." I reason.

"Take my word for it I am." Bella insists."So Maize, Rainbow? You got any other friends, you know so I can make nicknames for them too."

I laugh, "I've got a couple of friends. They're all seventh years though."

"OOOO," Bella squeals, "Do tell."

"Ok well, there's my older brother Sirius. Then there's James Potter, who's like another brother to me. Sirius and James together is just chaos waiting to happen. Remus Lupin is also in the group, that's Iris' brother. He's real smart. Lily Evans is the only other friend I have that's a girl, she's really smart too and is dating James. Lastly, there's Peter Pettigrew. He's odd, likes to eat." I shrug, " I don't know I don;t know him that well."

'Well they sound like awesome people. When can I meet them?"

Iris and I are both taken aback by her bluntness, "Um, tomorrow after quidditch tryouts I guess. Most, if not all of the will be there." I answer.

"Great!" She squeaks and claps her hands.
After talking a bit more we decided it's time to head to bed. Bella is in the bathroom doing who knows what when Iris sits next to me on my bed.

"Mazie," She starts.

"You're going to call me that too?"

Iris shrugs, "It's easier to say."

I sigh and roll my eyes and Iris continues "Remus trusted you enough that he told you he was a werewolf right?"

"Yea. Why?"

Iris takes a deep breathe, "Because I am one too."

"HOW!" I shout.  Iris quickly puts her hand over my mouth,

"Shut up." She removes her hand and I sit there patiently waiting for her to tell me more.
"I am a werewolf and have been since I was little. I don't know how but Greyback found out about me as well. By then he had already turned Remus and got wind that I was Remus sister. I guess he didn't feel his revenge was fulfilled until he turned me too. No good that did him though. My father didn't care about me."

"Aw I am sorry Rainbow,"

Iris laughs at the nickname, "Thanks for listening. It felt good to get it off my chest."

Growing up with the Mauraders (Book 1) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now