Chapter 27: Hospital days

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Mac went into surgery about an hour ago. James and I have been in the waiting room ever sense. 

"Mr. Black." The doctor said coming out. James and I shot up and walked over to him.

"Surgery went well.  She'll be out for a week and won't be able to play sports for a month. her arm was fixed faster then normal so we took her cast off but she'll need to wear a sling for her arm." He stated.

"Can we see her?" James asked.

"Yes but she's a little tired and she'll be able to go home in two days." He said and walked away.

"You go see her. I'll try and send an owl to everyone." James said.

I asked for her room number and went down the hall and found number 927. I knocked and a small voice said "come in."  I opens the door to find a very fragile looking Mackenzie.

"Hey baby sis. How are you?" I ask sitting next to her wrapping her in a hug.

She winces a little and I pull away.

"did I hurt you?" I asked worried.

"No just its just a little pain. I'm fine just don't hug to tight." She said smiling and leaning in to my side.

"Knock, knock." James said coming in. "Jay!"

Mac shouts holding up her good arm wanting a hug.

"Hey Kenzie." He said coming over and giving her a gentle hug.

"I sent an owl to the girls, Remus, your mother, your other brother, the quidditch team, and Charlie." James informed. 

"And I've gotten a letter back from Charlie, the girls, Remus, and Griffin saying they are coming to visit right after school lets out.

In a matter of minutes Lily, Bella, Iris, Remus, and Griffin.

"How you doing little black?" Griffin walks in followed by Remus and the girls.

"Charlie will be here soon he was late to class so he had to stay a little bit after. " Iris said.

"So how's the arm?" Lily asks.

"It hurts a little. Kind of like a dull pain just don't hug me to tight or hit it." Mackenzie answered.

"Well you didn't miss much at school today." Remus added.

"Ugh I'm going to have sooo much work to do." Mac groaned.

"Don't worry we will help you." James said.

"But your not smart. Lily and Remus can you help me?" She says.

"Well I'm Hurt." James says pouting.

"Sorry I'm late Slughorn is out it get me." Charlie says running in.

"At least you made it." Mac responds kissing his check.

We all just talk and try to make Mac feel better. Around 5 the doctor came in and told us that we have to leave but only immediate family could stay. Mackenzie said good bye to everyone. James was reluctant to leave but Mac convinced him. 

"Night baby girl." I say kissing her head.

"Night Sir." She responded.

Next morning

I woke up to an aching back and sun shinning in my face. I looked towards the bed and Mac was still sleeping. I took a shower and changed my clothes. Mac was still asleep so I decided to get breakfast for us. I got us waffles, strawberries, yogurt, and milk. As I was heading back towards the room I almost ran into someone.

"Whoa there mate." I say severing.

"I'm so sorry. I was just looking for-" he looked down at me and stopped. "My sister." He finished.

I was in shock standing before me was my brother Regulus.

"What are you dong here?" I ask coldly.

"I'm here to see my sister." He said threw gritted teeth.

"Well I was just getting her breakfast so follow me." I say walking off.

"knock on the door then enter. Mac is sitting in bed watching something on that TV box the have.

"I brought you breakfast and a present." I say.

"Really what is it?" She asks.

"Me." Regulus says coming into the room.

"Reg!" She says raising her good arm up for a hug.

"Hey there K bear. How's the arm?" He asks.

"Ok. Still hurts a little." She replies.

She eats her breakfast and then goes to take a shower and get changed. My brother and I just sit in awkward silence.

"I'm sorry you know. For being a bad older brother." He says breaking the silence.

"Yeah will I was an annoying little brother. I wish it would go back to the way when we were little and best friends and looking out for Mac." I say cracking a smile.

"Well now that you two made up. Let's watch a movie. It's like a really long TV show on the tv box." Mac suggest walking out.

She picked a movie called The Lion King. It was made by Disney whoever that is.  Apparently this Disney has made tons of these movies. So the rest of the day all three of us with Mac in the middle sat in her bed and watching and laughing at the  movies by Disney. We watched Peter Pan, Bambi (I'm so going to make James watch that one), Beauty and the Beast, Ratatouille, Brave, The Little Mermaid, and Cinderella. In the middle of Cinderella Mac fell asleep. It was late around 10:30.

"Well I must get going." Regulus Said after the movie was done.

"It was nice seeing you." He said walking out.

"Wait before you go I just want you to know that I enjoyed hanging around you. Just the three of us." I said.

"Me too." He said with a smile.

He comes over and kisses Mac on the head and gave me a brotherly hug and left. I made my way to the couch. Before I fell asleep I thought about how happy o was that I mended things with my brother. Sure we Aren't on the best of terms yet but we are civil with each other. I'm getting my family back and then I fell asleep.

Since the chapter before was short I thought I would update another one.

The movies they watched were based on there friends.

Lion king- Iris because she loves animals

Peter Pan- Sirius because he never wants to grow  up.

Bambi- James because he's a stag

Beauty and the Best- Remus because he thinks he's a beast even when he's not

Brave- Mackenzie because she'll doing anything for family/friends. She independent and strong.

The little Mermaid- Lily because of her red hair and live to swim (and Eric looks like James)

Cinderella- Bella because she has a step mom and step- sisters (muggles)

Ratatouille- Peter because he's a rat

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