Chapter 7: Hogsmead

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I am really looking forward to spending time with my sister tomorrow. I haven't spent a lot of time with her and I feel this will be a good bonding experience, or something.

Remus leaves, going on about Prefect duties are something, so I head back to the common room. On the way there I see James running at me yelling, "Padfoot! Padfoot! Guess what happened! You won't believe it!"

I smirk and cross my arms, "Evans said yes didn't she?"

"Yeah," he replies bent over trying to catch his breath. "Sorry to leave you guys hanging."

I brush it off, "It's fine. I am going with Mackenzie any way."


Next day.


I head to the Great hall to eat first before meeting Sirius to leave. Once we are both done eating we begin are walk to the tiny village.

"So are the boys going together?" I ask.

Sirius laughs, "Actually no. Remus doesn't feel well, the time of the month and all. And, James finally did it He got Lily to go to Hogsmeade with him."


Sirius laughs, "yeah!"

"It took them long enough."

Sirius snorts, "No kidding."

We arrive at Hogsmeade and decided to go to Honeydukes first and load up on candy.


I'm kinda nervous to go one this date with James, at least I think it's a date. After taking 20 minutes to decide on an outfit I meet him in the common room and we start walking to hogsmeade. It's awkward silence for awhile until James says "Thanks for coming with me."

"Well thanks for inviting me." I respond quickly only to be followed by more silence.

"So what do you want it do at Hogsmeade first." He asks politely.

"Let's get butterbeer" I suggest, "Get to know eachother better. "

"Lead the way milady." He says sitting his arm out. He wears a goofy smile. \

"Way thank you kind sir." I respond and take is arm.


I'm sick at school because of the full moon yesterday. I was thinking about life when an owl came and gave me a letter.

Dear Remus,
       I had an affair with another woman about 14 years ago and found out I have a daughter. She must be Mackenzie's age I think to myself. She will be staying with us and attending Hogwarts next year. I will tell you more about her when you get home for the holiday.
          Love, your father

P.S she also is a werewolf like you.

Well that was unexpected I thought. I sent a quick reply and decided to take a nap.


Lily and I are at the three broomsticks playing a muggle game she calls twenty questions. One person is supposed to ask the other a question and they have to answer. It goes back and forth until you reach twenty. There really is no endpoint or winner, not much of a game if you ask me but it does help me get ot know her better. Right now we are on question 13.

(Lily is italics James is bold)

Favorite color?


Favorite animal ?

A stag

Favorite flower?

Lily or petunia

I get way you like a Lily but why petunia?

Because it reminds me of my sister Petunia and if I'm correct you asked two questions in a row so I get to ask two in a row.


How are you so close with Mackenzie?

Well Sirius has been my best friend since First year. When Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor he was an outcast to his family. Mackenzie he told me was the only one to stay by him, who didn't treat him any different. Sirius would always tell stories about her. He talked about her so much I felt like I knew her. When she got sorted into Gryffindor as well she too was considered an outcast, but wasn't treated quite as bad as Sirius. They thought he had corrupted her, therefore it was his fault. After she was sorted when Sirius would come over for the holidays she would come with him. She spent so much time at my house we developed a brother sister relationship. We became a little family... Sirius, Machine, and I.

Aw that's a nice story, next question. If you could be in a different house what house would you be in?

Well I'm not smart enough to be in Ravenclaw that's for sure. I might be in Slytherin if everyone didn't think they were evil so probably hufflepuff because I'm loyal to my friends.

Good answer but I don't think your that dumb.

Ha thanks for the vote of confidence. Okay last question. Will you be my girlfriend?

I would like that very much

After the question was answered she kissed my cheek. You couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Once we finished are drinks I paid the bill. It was getting late so we headed back to school, hand in hand. A perfect end to a Perfect day..


"Remember the time we hid James' broomstick under his invisibility cloak and forgot where is was." I say laughing so hard I was crying. I almost spilled my butterbeer

"Oh yeah we spent all day looking for it he was so mad." Sirius said laughing even harder then I was, if that's possible.

We had just been talking and drinking butterbeer for hours. As much fun as we were having it was getting late.

"Well that was fun but I think we should get back. Being the older responsible brother I am." Sirius boosts

I roll my eyes"In your dreams but ok. "

As we walk back to school we keep shoving each other and messing around. This was the best day ever I thought to myself.

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