Chapter 75: Sugar and Spice

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July 24, 1978


Two months later I'm in Molly's position. And after 6 painful hours of contractions and labor I'm holding my bundle of joy. Alexandra Jane Wood. She weighs 8 lbs. 8oz. And 20 inches. Griffin, Caroline and Oliver came to visit first. When Oliver ,who is now one, saw Alexandra he gave her a hug and a kiss.

"Andra my sister." He announced.

"No honey she's your cousin." Caroline said trying to reason.

"Sister." He said stomping his foot.

"It's fine." I assure.

Then came Iris, Jackson, Lily, James, Sirius, Bella, Jake, Remus, Cinder and Ben.

"She looks just like you." Iris marveled holding Alexandra.

"Yeah but with Charlie's eyes." Jackson added as he was handed Alexandra.

Jackson then handed her to lily. "Will you shorten her name?" Lily asked.

Yeah we were thinking of calling her Alexis." Charlie said taking his daughter from Lily.

"I could call her lexis. Like the car!" Sirius announced taking Alexis from her father.

"Hello lexis." Sirius cooed "it's your best and favorite uncle .

"Oh brother." I said rolling my eyes.

"Your right I am your brother." He smirked.

"You could also call her Alex." Remus suggested as he received Alexis .

"Jaw. You could call her jaw." James said taking Alexis from Sirius.

"Jaw?" Cinder said uncertainly holding Alexis.

"Yeah jaw because her Initials rearrange to spell jaw." James said proudly.

"Yeah not going to happen." I say cinder handing Alexis back to me.

"Fine I'll call her lex." James stated.

They all started to leave but I called Sirius and Lily back.

Can you be Alexandra's godparents." I ask.

"Of course." Lily and James say right away. After they left the weasleys came.

"You have your own baby?" Charlie (Weasley) observed.

"Yes I do." I said.

"Will you forget about us?" He says his eyes filling with tears. "

No of course not. She'll be like your sister or a new friend to play with." I reassure.

He gives a satisfied nod.

"What's her name?" Bill asks curiously.

"Alexandra Jane Wood." Charlie said.

"A. J" Bill announced.

"What did you say Bill?" Molly asked.

"A.J. That's what I'm going to call her because her first name begins with and A and her middle name with a J." He said smiling proudly.

"A. J" Charlie (Weasley) said giving her a kiss. "A. J. A. J" Percy said clapping.

"'A. J I think that's cute." I say.

The weasleys left and Charlie went to go get food. Then the nurses came in and checked on Alexandra. After that Cissy, Lucuis, and my mother game.

"Hey Kenze how are you feeling. you look great." Cissy asked.

"Hello Charlie." She greeted.

"Hello Narcissa." Charlie said.

" I'm fine Cissy just tried Thanks for asking." I respond.

"Can I hold her." Cissy so as gesturing towards Alexis.

"Sure here." I say handing Alexis off.

"What's her name?" My mother asks.

"Alexandra Jane Wood." Charlie said.

"What a lovely name." Mum said.

"I agree." Cissy said.

"Narcissa stop hogging my grand daughter and give her to me." Mum said and Cissy handed her over.

"She looks like you Mackenzie." Lucius observed.

"Yeah except for her eyes. Those are her fathers." Mum added.

After a few more minutes they left leaving Charlie, Alexandra, and I. One happy family.

Growing up with the Mauraders (Book 1) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now