Chapter 35: A Night to Remember

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After classes I went to go find Sirius, James, and Remus. When I saw my patronus was the same as Mackenzie's and my lotion smelled like her I knew I had to do something big but I ha e to ask for permission first.


I was in the common room working on homework when Lily came in.

"Hey lils how was your day?" I ask.

"It was fine but James was acting weird. How was your day?" She said sitting next to me.

"Ok but today in potions we brewed Amortenia and it smelled like Charlie and then in D.A.D are patronuses are the same."

"Wow you know what that means right?"

"Yeah and I'm happy about it but I don't know if he is. But anyway are you Excited for your birthday tomorrow you're turning 18. That means your an adult in the muggle world right?"

"Yeah I'm super excited. Hey do you need help with your homework?"

"Yeah thanks for some reason I just can't understand ancient runes."

Time skip

"Thanks for the help Lily."

"No problem now where are you off to?"

"Oh I have a date with Charlie later."

"Ahhh have fun."

"Wait Lily can you help me get ready I'm not good as this make up and hair stuff."

"Of course I don't want you to set the place on fire." She said as we walked up to my dorm.


I got permission from James, Remus, and Sirius so know I'm going to plan are date. I know what it means when two patronus are the same or go with each other. And I'm ecstatic but I don't knew Mackenzie feels the same way.


Lily curled my hair, put on a tiny bit of make up, and picked my outfit out. A pair of jeans, a t shirt and grey hoodie with my teal converse. I also wore my necklace that Charlie gave me ,I never take it off. As I was getting ready to go Thalia ran after me.

"Aw sorry girl but you can't come with us this time ok." I say picking her up and talking her to Lily's dorm.

I walked in and saw Molly, Lily, Bella, and Iris talking.

"Hey Lily can you watch Thalia while I go on my date."

"Sure  thing Mackenzie. Come to aunt Lily ." She said as I handed her to Lily.

"Aw Mazie. Your look so pretty." Molly said giving me a hug.

"What do you think your going to do on your date?" Iris asked.

"Probably talk and look at the stars."

"Aw so romantic." Bella squealed.

"Yeah but if we keep talking she'll be late." Lily said.

"Right. Goodbye." I say and head to the black lake.


It's 11:05 and she still hasn't come yet. But k shouldn't be worried right I mean girls take forever to get ready but Mackenzie isn't one of those girls. I'm nervous she blew me off but then I see her walking towards me.

"About time I bought you weren't going to show." I smirk.

"Yeah sorry about that Thalia wanted to come so I had to give her to Lily and then they kept me talking." She blushed.

"Well your here know so let's look at the stars." I say as I lay down with her right next to me.

I wrap my arms around her and kiss her head. "You nervous for O.W. L. S?" I ask.

"No how about you?"

"A little. But I'm glad you moved up a year so we can graduate together." I say kissing her check.

"Me too."

"What did you think of classes today?" I ask.

"I thought they were quite interesting."

She said looking up to me "why?"

"No reason just curious."

"You know what I don't have a nickname for you?" I state.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"Well Sirius class you Mac, James calls you Kenzie, Remus class you pup, Griffin calls you L.B, and Iris calls you Mazie. I'm your boyfriend I should be able to have a nickname for you." I say pulling her closer rating my chin on her head.

"Well what would you want to call me?"

"Rose." I state.
She just looks up at me "Rose?"

"Yeah rose because thats your middle name and you're as beautiful as a rose." I say kissing her lips.

"Ok that's cool." She says as she looks back up at the stars.

"The stars are so pretty."

"Not as pretty as you."

"Stop it." She says smiling while she hits my arm. 

"It's true Rose and I love you."

"Well I love you more."

"I doubt it."

"I love you today. Kiss on the forehead. Tomorrow. Kiss on the check. And forever. Kiss on the lips."

"And I love you." She says kissing my lips.

"Which is why I want to do this.......

"Mackenzie Rose Black. I've loved you since I first laid eyes on you when you got sorted in first year but I was too afraid until this year to tell you. Not only are you beautiful but your loyal, friendly, athletic, smart, kind, and amazing girl friend, and are not afraid to stand up for what you believe in. When your brothers asked me if I wanted to marry I instantly thought yes. However I still think we are a little young. You make me smile, laugh, happy, and overall a better person. I want to give you this a promise that'll get you a better ring one day and get married. So will you take this promise ring?" I ask taking out a box.

"Of course you weirdo." She says kissing me and I slide the ring on her.

"I love you Mackenzie Rose." Pulling her close.

"I love you Charles Liam." She said hugging my tight.

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