Part 8

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So i know i mentioned to a couple of you that part 7 would be the last update of the day (its 12:30 am where im at) but i cant sleep so i decided to make a new chapter! Enjoy!

Taehyung did his best trying to finish his homework, but he epically failed, being distracted by the paper Jhope had given him. His finger traced the numbers and letters Jhope had written, smiling gently. He was always happy, always smiling that same smile. Taehyung wondered how he did it, and what he must be like on his bad days.

Taehyung gave up on finishing his homework, packed his stuff up, and left the library. He began to idly walk around the campus, he was surprised he hadnt noticed the beauty of the campus before, the buildings were set in between rolling green hills, with japanese cherry blossoms sprouting everywhere. The sidewalks were polished, though that sounds weird it was actually quite delicate.

Taehyung decided to go sit on a bench and listen to music, enjoy his alone time, that doesnt consist of doing homework. As he listened to the music he watched the people walking by. Couples, classmates, professors. For Taehyung it was very peaceful. It was also nice to have his heartbeat normal for once, which was very rare since meeting a guy name Jung Hoseok.

Taehyung felt raindrops hit his face, he looked up and much to his dismay, it started pouring. He ran under the roof of the nearest building, which happened to be the cafe he and Jungkook had gone to the other day. Freezing, without a jacket, or an umbrella, Taehyung was stuck there until the storm stopped, which didnt seem to be soon.

"Need a hand?" He heard someone say. Taehyung turned and of course, standing right next to him with a coffee in his hand, was Jhope. "God this guy is everyone, not that i mind." Taehyung thought to himself. "Oh hey! Um yeah, thatd he great..." Taehyung said as Jhope pulled out an umbrella, large enough to cover the two of them.

They quicky ducked their heads under the umbrella and began walking, Taehyung noticed Jhope was carrying both his coffee and the umbrella, he was about to offer to hold the umbrella, until he remembered something Jimin said. "Oh yeah! I know Hobi Hyung."
Taehyung hesitated, then asked. "Hey let me hold the umbrella for you...Jhope Hyung." He said, taking the umbrella out of Jhopes hands.

Jhope raised his eyebrows. "Whats with the honorifics?" He asked, looking confused. "Uh uh, well your older than me, and Jungkook and Jimin call you hyung so i should too." Taehyung replied meekly. "Well dont, i dont want you to call me hyung." Jhope replied. Now it was Taehyungs turned to be confused.

"But...why? Its culturally correct." Taehyung said back. Jhope thought for a bit, then answered. "It is but...i dont know, your different. So just call me Jhope." He responded. They walked in silence after that, it wasnt an awkward silence, it was comfortable and kind. Taehyung enjoyed it, he didnt have to worry about coming off as dumb like he did during their tutoring sessions. He just got to be with Jhope, side by side.

It was when Jhope covered Taehyungs hand that was holding the umbrella, that Taehyung nearly collasped. His hand was warm, and it fit perfectly over Taehyungs hand. He glanced over at Jhope, but Jhope just kept looking forward, not saying anything. Taehyung turned away, hoping his blushing face wasnt noticeable.

A couple of minutes later they reached Taehyungs dorm, Jhope let go of Taehyungs hand, to Taehyungs dissapoint. "Well this is my stop! Thanks so much Jhope..." Taehyung said. "No problem! Im glad i ran into you! Ill see you later!" Jhope said, flashing one of his signatures smiles, then turning around to go to his own dorm. As he walked into the building he couldnt help but remember what Jhope had said earlier. "Your different." Taehyung burst into a grin. "Im different." He said aloud, not caring how cliche it sounded. And from then on, he wished for rain every damn day.

PLEASE READ! Ok so really random, but i wanted to know if you guys wanted a Vhope playlist? Its basically songs that i listen to that remind me of Vhope? Most of the time i also listen to those same songs when writing my chapters. So if any of you want me to make one, just message me. Enjoy the chapter!

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