Part 1

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Finally he was here. Seoul university, somehow Taehyung had made it into his dream school, with all the one nighters and constant community service along with dreaded sports tryouts to put on his resume, it was all worth it, except the embarrasement of having to take the simplest math the university would allow him to, yes Taehyung hated math, because he sucked at it. The same Taehyung who took all AP courses, who was voted athlete of the year in his former highschool, who was known all over the community for his constant services, yes, that same Taehyung hated math. Until he started to love it.

Taehyung looked down to the map he was holding, showing him the entire layout of the university, at the moment he was trying to find his dorm, and yes, he was also great at reading maps. "So i take a left up here, two buildings to the right, and then to room 606." As he walked over to the dorm building he looked around the campus, it was huge, "you could easily fit 4 neighbors into the space of the campus, just by walking around this place i could lose five pounds everyday." Taehyung thought. And yes, he just did basic math.

As he stood infront of his dorm room he prayed to himself "Please dont let my roommate be insane, please please please pleaseee!" As he opened the door and entered the room, he saw a dark haired figure sitting on the bed to the left of the room. "He seems semi-normal." Taehyung thought to himself. "Hey, im Taehyung, looks like we'll be living together for a while." Taehyung said playfully. "Hi! Im Jungkook, and i like your hair." He smiled. Taehyung smiled back and ruffled his bright orange hair, if he ever got lost, it would be easy to find him. "How old are you Jungkook?" Taehyung asked, laying his backpack on the other bed, that was now his. "17, you?" Jungkook replied, leaning back on his bed. "HA! IM YOUR HYUNG! Im 18, and wait...if your 17 how are you here? Im a year older than you and im a freshman." Taehyung asked in surprise, raising his eyebrow. "Im smart." Jungkook replied, now laying down on the bed. "Yeah, so is everyone at this university, thats why they're here." Taehyung said back. Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully "I skipped a grade." "Ahhhhh so you are smart." Taehyung joked. "Yeah and you're sassy." Jungkook said, throwing a pillow at Taehyung. "Yup, he's normal." Taehyung thought to himself. "Do you want to go walk around the campus?" Jungkook asked. "Nah i can't i've got to go meet someone, i'll see you back here later." Taehyung said, opening the door and exiting the dorm. It was true that he had to meet someone, but he never said he was looking forward to it.

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