Part 33

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"Ughhhhhhhh." Taehyung groaned. He didnt understand any of it, he hated math oh my god he hated math. It had started to make sense to him with Jhopes help, but they just entered a brand new chapter in the textbook, and Taehyung was stuck.

He had gotten to the library a little early, so he decided to start on his homework, which made no sense. A couple of minutes later Jhope walked in. Taehyung looked up, expecting to see the usual happy Jhope, but that wasnt Jhope today.

Jhope was sneezing nonstop, his nose was red and his throat was congested. "Hey." He croaked. "You got what i got." Taehyung responded. Jhope nodded, "Guess i got a little too close to you." "Sorry." Taehyung lied, he definetly wasnt sorry.

     Within five minutes of Jhope blowing his nose and coughing,  Taehyung stood up. "Thats it. You gave me a break so now im giving you a break." Taehyung said, packing up his things, grabbing Jhopes hand and dragging him out the door. Jhope mightve been sick but Taehyung didnt care, besides he was the one that made Jhope sick, he couldnt get a cold again.

    Taehyung dragged Jhope towards Jhopes dorm. After climbing two flights of stairs they reached Jhopes door. He shakily put the keys into the knob and unlocked the door. After walking in and closing the door Taehyung ordered Jhope to get into bed.

     After Jhope had gotten into the bed Taehyung leaned down and tucked the blanket under Jhopes chin. He turned around and looked around the room, catching sight of a plate of cookies, probably from Grandma Hyeon. He grabbed the cookies and put them in the microwave, then poured a glass of milk.

     After the cookies were done being microwaved, he took them and placed them on top of Jhopes bedside, along with the milk. He decided it would be best to leave Jhope alone and let him rest, but before he could stand up Jhope spoke.

    "Tell me a story." Jhope demanded. "What? Ha, you wish." Taehyung laughed, standing up. "Tae please." Jhope whined, making a pouty face. Taehyung sighed before sitting back down, secretly happy. "About what?" He asked, fake rolling his eyes.

    "Anything." Jhope said, acting like a six year old. Taehyung thought for a moment. "Ok." He started. "There was a boy, and something happened to this boy that was very unexpected." Taehyung said.

     "What happened?" Jhope asked. "Well, he fell inlove." Taehyung responded. "Who did he fall inlove with?" Jhope asked. "Someone who was also unexpected. You see this boy was kind of a go with the flow person, but then he met this unexpected person and everything changed."

    Jhope nodded, he made playful faces. "Go on go on!" He urged. "The boy met friends, he learned to like things he had never tried before. He met this kick ass girl too. This boy also had superpowers" Taehyung joked. "What were his super powers?" Jhope asked, his eyes widening with curiousity.

    "He was a problem solver, he could make anything better just by being there." Jhope interrupted him, "But dont you think thats a little arrogant for the boy to say that?" Taehyung shook his head. "Not if its true."

    Taehyung continued the story, ending it with the boy solving everyones problems and making the world a better place. "What about the person he was inlove with? How did he solve that problem?" Jhope asked. Taehyung thought for a minute. "Well, he didnt." He answered. "Why?" Jhope questioned. "Because it wasnt a problem."

Hey guys! Hope you guys enjoy the chapter, you all have been leaving the sweetest comments i appreciate them so much! Ty and enjoy!

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