Part 12

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     "Taehyung shes my sister." Jhope said, cutting off Taehyung. "What." Taehyung said, completely shocked, he was filled with relief, confusion and disbelief. "Shes. My. Sister." Jhope said, one word at a time, raising an eyebrow at Taehyungs stunned expression.
      "But you guys look nothing alike." Taehyung said back, pointing at Jhopes face. "Well yeah, she dyed her hair bright red and has green contacts, of course we dont look alike. Why did you think we were dating anyway?" Jhope asked.

      "Well you guys were so..i dont know, touchy feely, and just seemed REALLY close, it never occured to me that you two were related, you even said you wished she was here all the time." Taehyung responded. "Well yeah, Eun and i are really close, we did everything together as siblings, until she went to Art school, we dont see eachother often anymore because were both in college, but when we do its like old times, we do everything together." Jhope said back to Taehyung.

   "Oh...." Taehyung got up and bowed deeply infront of Jhope. "Im sorry Jhope! I assumed something and made false judgements when i shouldnt have! I dont know why it mattered so much i just..i." "Liar, I know exactly why it mattered so much." Taehyung thought to himself.

    "Whoa whoa whoa its fine." Jhope laughed. "Come on, sit down. My sister and i are going out to dinner tonight, do you want to come? That way i can properly introduce you to her." Taehyungs mood came to life, his heart thumped in his chest, his hands became clammy, in his mind he screamed yes yes yes yes YES. But on the outside, he calmly nodded and said, "I would really like that."

     That evening Taehyung decided to wear a leather jacket over a flannel shirt, with blue jeans and black shoes. At 8:00 Taehyung met Jhope and Eun at a resturaunt in the city, luckily the resturaunt was on the outskirts of the city, so Taehyung didnt get too lost. Taehyung sat across from the two siblings in a booth, as they ordered their food they began talking.

     "Eun wasnt the best at math too, couldnt even do division." Jhope snickered. "What?!? I could too!" Eun yelled, throwing fries at Jhope. Taehyung laughed, they really were siblings, they looked nothing alike, but their personalities were the same.

     Taehyung told Eun a story about the time he had fallen into the ocean, surrounded by jellyfish and how his dad had to pee on him the whole night. The two burst out laughing, Jhope began crying. "No way did that happen to you!" Eun said. Taehyung nodded his head. "Did so, i swear to this day i use soap more thorougly now." Jhope cracked up at that remark, he then claimed Taehyung made him laugh so hard, that he had to go to the restroom.

     After he got up and left, Taehyung was about to ask Eun a question, but she spoke up before he did. "So you like him." She said. "Uh i, what." He said back, completely stunned. "You like him." She said again. "I uh..oh i um...does he know?" He asked, giving up. She shook her head. "No, hes stupid." Taehyung laughed at that remark. "Then, how did you know..?" He asked her gently. "Its obvious, the way you steal glances at him, the way your face naturally lights up when you're around him." She said.

     "And somehow he doesnt know?" Taehyung said back. "I told you, hes stupid." Eun thought for a moment. "You guys would be cute together. I ship it." Taehyungs face warmed up. "Oh thank you, i dont think he likes me back though." He said meekly. She raised her eyebrow. "We'll see about that." A few seconds later, Jhope slid into the seat next to her, demanding more pee stories. Taehyung smiled at Eun, he had found a friend.


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