Part 81

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OKAY LONG INTRO: So i just noticed ive reached 27k and i ended up screaming and scarying the shit outta my mom 😂 so i thank you all for that it means a lot to me, and i would also like to explain my absence to you guys. So i wasnt on tuesday bc of some shiz going on with the fam, i appreciate all the support you all showed me i couldnt ask for better friends, wednesday i ended up going to the movies and going to a sleepover and at midnight i finally realized shit i didnt update, but then 2 of my friends out of 4 (theyre 5 of us) pulled an all nighter, so when i got home that afternoon i immediately fell asleep and woke up at 8 pm, so i was extremely tired, i appreciate everyones patience, so without further adue (idk how to spell that?) let us get to the story.

      Taehyung walked through the dark campus alone, heading towards the dance studio sitting just outside of campus. As Taehyung walked closer he saw people walking into the dance studio and cheering.

    "Course they're cheering, Jhopes giving them something to cheer for." Taehyung thought, picking up his pace, extremely excited to see Jhope dance. Taehyung entered the studio to upbeat music and people dancing in their seat.

    Taehyung was ushered over by Suga and Rapmon and the young boy sat between them, backs against the wall. Taehyung looked at the three J's as they danced, Jhope front and center.

      Taehyung watched Jhope as he danced, Jhope was completely immersed in the dance, focusing on every move, every beat. Taehyung on the otherhand was completely immersed in Jhope, his sweat, his hard expression, Taehyung could barely pay attention to his two other bestfriends.

      Taehyung cheered along with everyone else in the room, tapping his foot to the beat and nodding his head. He and Suga danced in their seats while Rapmonster headbanged. Looking around the room, Taehyung realized just how many people were in the studio.

     People lined the walls, some were sitting while others stood, doing mini dances to the music. About fifteen minutes later all the music ended and the dancing stopped. Everyone cheered and clapped their hands, circling the boys in the middle.

    Taehyung ran up and highfived Jungkook and Jimin, and then ran to hug Jhope. After pulling away from the hug Jhope ruffled Taehyungs hair. "You were great!" Taehyung said, smiling at Jhope.

    Jhope grinned at Taehyung. "Lets go to Sammy's cafe, im starving." Jungkook said, getting noogied by Rapmonster. The five other boys nodded their heads and began to walk out the door. As Taehyung walked out the door, someone grabbed his hand and pulled him aside.

    Taehyung had to blink a few times to see who it was, but when his eyesight focused he realized he was looking up at Jin. "You." Taehyung said, immediately scowling. "Tae, i heard you'd be here, why dont we go get something to eat and talk?" Jin said, completely ignoring Taehyungs demeanor.

      Jin leaned in closer to Taehyung, forcing Taehyung to back up against the wall. "Shit." Taehyung thought, completely trapped. He was about to say something when he heard someone speak. "Tae? Are you alright?"

    Taehyung turned to his left to see Jhope, looking at him with a look of worry. He was alone, Taehyung suspected the other boys went on ahead. Taehyung was both happy and worried that Jhope was there, he was glad because Jhope could help him get out of the current situation, but he also didnt want Jhope getting involved.

      "Im fine." Taehyung said, leaning forward and walking away from Jin, pushing him a little with his body in the process because of the previous closeness of their bodies. Taehyung walked past Jhope and Jhope turned to follow him.
     "Who was he?" Jhope asked, a tone of concern in his voice. "No one important." Taehyung said, angry at the situation he was just put in. "Im sorry Jhope, but i cant let you get involved." Taehyung thought, determine to deal with this on his own.
Enjoy! :)


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