Part 102

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I would first like to apologize about my absence, for the past couple of days i had been studying for an exam plus handling other homework while still trying to spend time with my family, therefore i was not able to update. Thursday night i left you guys with a three paragraph update and for that i am deeply sorry but i felt as if i had to give you guys something, even if it was only that. I hope you guys can accept my apologies as it is now 2am where i am and i am updating for you guys, thank you for always supporting me and helping me reach 48k, i feel as if i can not thank you guys enough, i hope you enjoy the update.

      Taehyung and Jhope arrived at the Kim household at 7am. Both boys were extremely tired, and couldnt wait to hop into a warm bed. Taehyung lazily knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Taehyungs Mother opened the door.

    "Oh! There you guys are! Thank God!" Taehyungs Mother exclaimed. She carried a suitcase with her and looked as if she was about to board a plane, which she was.

    Taehyungs Father walked behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "We cant thank you boys enough, but we must get going." So the group said their goodbyes, and then the boys watched the adults drive off into the distance.
     Once inside Taehyung and Jhope dropped their stuff, and collasped on the couch. The sun hadnt even come up yet and the boys were extremely tired. Taehyung stretched and laid his head on Jhopes chest, and the boys fell asleep within minutes.

     Two days prior

     "Who was that?" Jhope asked. "My Mom." Taehyung responded. "What did she want?" "Are you free this weekend?" Taehyung asked Jhope. "Yeah, why?"

      "My Aunts collasped, my parents want to go meet her at the hospital, but they have no one to watch Chul and Gun, they want us to come home this weekend and look after them." Taehyung said.

    Jhope nodded, "Okay, im down." The next day at midnight, the boys boarded a train heading to Daegu. They talked, occasionally fell asleep, but had to keep up a routine of switching trains every two hours, and finally they had arrived at Taehyungs house.

     "Hyung! HYUNG!" Taehyung woke up to someone shaking him. Taehyung slowly opened his eyes to see Chul, sitting on his chest. "Hey buddy." Taehyung yawned, sleepily rubbing Chuls head.

     "You're awake." Taehyung sat up and looked towards the kitchen and saw Jhope standing in the entrance, holding onto to Guns hand. "God, he looks like a Father." Taehyung thought dreamily.
      "I made breakfast, come on, lets eat." Jhope said, turning around and leading Gun back into the kitchen. Taehyung nodded, took Chuls hand, and headed toward the kitchen for their breakfast.

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