Part 24

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      A few minutes later Taehyung and Eun were back at the hospital, balancing cups of icecream in their arms. They handed out the icecream to everyone. As they were eating their icecream and making small talk, Jhope walked over to Taehyung.

      "You like blue raspberry too?" He asked, gesturing towards Taehyungs cup of blue icecream. "Oh yeah, its my favorite flavor, except i hate how it makes your teeth blue." Taehyung responded, grinning a blue grin.

    Jhope laughed in response, grinning his blue grin as well. He liked blue raspberry too. Jhopes parents turned to Taehyung. "So, Taehyung how do you know our son?" They asked.

     "Well going into this school i knew i needed a math tutor, im lousy at math. So i signed up for one, he ended up being the one i got. And we ended up having mutual friends and hanging out outside of our tutoring sessions." Taehyung answered. "At least thats the short not at all romantic version of things." He truly thought.

        Jhopes parents nodded. "Were glad to see someone like you befriend Jhope, someone who even comes see his family with him, we are really grateful for you being here." Taehyung bowed at their praise. "Thank you." He responded.

      He couldnt help but notice a pattern. "He deserves someone like you." Eun had said. "Please watch over him." Grandma Hyeon had said. "Were glad to see someone like you befriend him." Jhopes parents had said. Why did they keep saying these things? And to him.

     A couple days later he was still thinking the same thing, what did all that mean? He had texted Eun about it but she didnt respond. And he didnt want to ask Jhope, thinking it might be personal. These thoughts kept running in his head, until it was all interrupted by a package that had been delivered to his dorm, adressed to him.

       He opened the package to see cookies, wrapped in platic on a plate. They smelled warm, as if freshly baked. He remembered Jhope saying Grandma Hyeon sent him cookies monthly, and Taehyung had guessed correctly. Under the plate was a letter from Grandma Hyeon. "To orange boy. May these cookies be as sweet as you are."

    Taehyung smiled. He decided to write back. Thanking her for the cookies, and warning her to expect something from him soon. He counted out the cookies, 36. He couldnt eat all these cookies for himself. So he decided to give some to his friends. He left some on a plate for Jungkook. He wrapped some up and put them in Jimins mailbox, which Taehyung knew he checked daily.

      He then ran over to the music studio in the city and dropped some off for Rapmon and Suga. Eventually he decided to share the last half with Jhope. Remembering the way to Jhopes dorm (not a stalker, i swear) he headed over.

     When he reached the dorm he knocked lightly on the door, hoping he hadnt fucked up the address and was intruding on a stranger. Luckily, to Taehyungs relief and also (now normal) heart attack of nerves, Jhope opened the door.

      "Hey." Jhope smiled. "Hey, um i think your Grandma made me cookies?" Taehyung said, showing Jhope the plate of cookies. Jhope looked at the cookies. "Yup, thats Grandmas baking." Jhope responded, inviting Taehyung in.

    "Well there was a lot, i wanted to know if you wanted some?" He asked, setting them on top of the mini fridge. "Um, hell yes." Jhope said, grabbing one and shoving it in his mouth. Taehyung himself grabbed for one. As he ate it he savored the taste, it tasted homemade, which it was, it made him feel nostalgic.

     "Well while you're here, wanna help me study for an AP Bio test?" Jhope asked, shoving a study guide into Taehyungs hands. Taehyung looked the paper up and down. "Ok, what kindgom has cell walls." Taehyung asked. "Um, Animalia?" Jhope answered. "No, Plantae stupid." Taehyung grinned. "Yah!!" Jhope exclaimed, throwing a pillow at Taehyung.

   Now it was Taehyungs turn to teach Jhope.



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