The Special Chapter

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So before i get into this chapter, again i want to make sure were all on the same page. This chapter is in a different format than the others, it is chronologically not part of the story but it still definetly has relevance. I promise you some - most of you are going to he very confused by this chapter, thats what i intend. Now enjoy!

    The boy amused him. The boy was kind and considerate, and funny in an odd way. The boy was confident yet at the same time he had insecurites, he wanted to know why.

     The boy did his best, the boy changed, became more open. But he was sure this boy hadnt gone through life unscatched. The boy had this calculating nature about him, and he wanted to know why.

    This boy, it was as if he analyzed every situation, making a list of all the pros and cons. The boy was smart, but so was he. He never really had a concrete reason for doing something, that scared him. But this boy, this boy was different.

   This boy always had a reason for doing something, this boy was driven, this boy had something he wanted: a purpose. This boy inspired him, in a weird way.

    This boy was perfect yet flawed, he knew that, the boy knew that. So why did the boy try so hard when the boy didnt need to. He knew the boy had natural talent, the boy knew this as well. So why did the boy try to take it one step further? Why did it seem like the boy was trying to prove something, when he had nothing to prove?

    Why was the boy so nice to him, when he was just, him. The boy seemed to draw people toward himself, including him. He wanted to know why the boy was so intrigeuing, he wanted to know why this boy interested him so much.

   The boy always kept to the rules, but at the same time the boy seemed to defy the rules. The boy was the alter ego of everything that he had expected. The boy questioned things that had already been proven, as if the boy wasnt satisfied.

    He wondered if the boy questioned him. What did the boy think of him? In all reality, he didnt even know what he thought of the boy, the boy was just kind of, there.

    But he didnt mind that, he definetly didnt mind the boy. The boy was entertaining, but he didnt see the boy as a tv, he saw the boy as a person, something he wished people would see him as.

    The boy made him question everything, there was always some other answer when it came to this boy, and he liked that. He liked how the boy took him from reality, how the boy just did certain things naturally.

     So who really is this boy, and what is this boy, and why is it this boy. Why was this boy effecting him. Why did this boy interest him so much. To him...why this boy?


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