Part 78

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     Taehyung woke up to Jhope shaking him awake. "Hmm..what?" Taehyung groaned, not happy to be woken up. "Tae, weve got a problem." Jhope said. This news woke Taehyung up, Jhope was rarely ever serious.

    Taehyung stood up and followed Jhope out of the recording booth, and walked to the front of the studio to the meet with the four other boys. When he glanced outside the window, he stopped in his tracks.

   Outside the window was two feet of snow, and it was still snowing. The streets were deserted, some cars stayed stuck in their parallel parking spots, all the shops across from them were closed. "The storm came early.." Taehyung muttered, remembering what Jhope had said the other day.

    Taehyung walked towards Rapmonster. "Were barricaded in, the doors stuck cause of all this snow, even if we could get out it wouldnt be safe." Rapmonsters said. "Oh God.." Jungkook said, peering out the studios glass door.

   Rapmonster began to rub Jungkooks head. Taehyung stood in silence for a moment before speaking again. "Suga, how much food do you guys have in storage?" Taehyung asked.

    Suga turned to Taehyung. "We have a good amount of snacks but thats it, we have no idea how long we'll be here so we need to ration them." Taehyung nodded at this information, turning to head to the back of the studio where the storage room was.

   As he began walking back, the lights went out and the room got cold. "Shit." Taehyung thought. "There goes the power." Jimin said. Taehyung turned back to Suga, but instead came face to face with Jhope, who seemed to have followed him.

   "Do you guys have any blankets here?" Taehyung asked over Jhopes head. "They're also in the back." Rapmonster said. So Taehyung turned back around and proceeded to head towards the storage room with Jhope on his tail.

    The two boys opened the storage room door and came upon silver shelves, most were stacked with paper and even some instruments, the shelf to their left held a good amount of snacks, though Taehyung had no idea how theyd last with six teenage boys. And on the top of the shelf straight ahead was a pile of blankets.

    Jhope turned to grab the snacks from the left shelf while Taehyung walked straight toward the blankets. He did his best to reach the blankets but the shelf was to high to reach, even for him.

    "Here, take this stepping stool." Jhope said from behind Taehyung. Taehyung turned around to see Jhope, arms full of snacks, with a small stepping stool at his feet. Taehyung took the stepping stool and placed it between him and the shelf.

     He stepped on it and succesfully retrieved the blankets, but as he was going down his foot slipped and he fell backward. Taehyung heard the sound of plastic hitting the floor and then felt two arms catch his, keeping him midway in the air.

    Taehyungs face reddened as he knew that Jhope had probably saved his life (even though most of the time Jhope gave him a heart attack) "Thanks.." Taehyung said, quickly placing his feet on the floor. He helped Jhope pick up the food and the blankets and they left the storage room.

    The six boys decided to camp out in the sound booth, shutting the door, trying to keep all the heat they could since the power was out. The boys decided it would be best to sleep through most of it, so one by one the boys dozed off. Jimin and Suga were curled up in their own corner. Jungkook and Rapmonster were sprawled out on the floor.'

    Pressed against the wall was Taehyung and Jhope, sharing a blanket. Jhope had dozed off, head relaxing on Taehyungs shoulder. Taehyung couldnt help but press his cheek against Jhopes head, breathing in his scent. Taehyung came to the silent conclusion that if he was going to be in this situation, the one person he wanted with him was Jhope.

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