Part 28

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   Taehyung led Jhope down the stairs into the darkness, their hands entertwined, along with Jhope grabbing onto the Taehyungs shoulder. Taehyung admitted to himself that he had mixed emotions. He was freaking out, and for a couple of reasons.

    1. Jhope, he was like, super close. 2. They had just watched a horror movie, so walking down into a dark, creepy basement wasnt exciting. And 3....Jhope. They reached the bottom of the stairs, Taehyung moved his hand around the wall, feeling for a lightswitch.

    When he finally found one, he flipped it on. One lightbulb in the middle of the room lit up, dimly lighting the area around it. Rapmons basement was like a storage room, there were boxes everywhere, a rusty old couch, and in the corner, sleeping bags.

   They edged over to the sleeping bags, in the far corner of the basement which of course, had the least amount of light. Jhope squeezed Taehyungs hand, looking behind him every three seconds.

  There were only four sleeping bags, Rapmonster had a few blankets upstairs, so two people would get those. But to carry these four sleeping bags, Taehyung and Jhope would have to let go of eachothers hands and carry them.

     Dissapointedly Taehyung let go of Jhopes hand, moving toward the sleeping bags, but Jhope wasnt keen on that idea. Jhope immediately reached out and grabbed Taehyungs hand back. "No way in hell." He said, looking into Taehyungs eyes.

     "We carry them together." Jhope said, grabbing for the nearest one with his free hand. After a couple of minutes of fidgeting and adjusting, the two boys had four sleeping bags, tucked under their arms and in their hands, they werent going back for a second trip.

   They carefully climbed the steps, not even bothering to turn the basement light off, their hands werent free to do so anyway. Finally they reached the top of the stairs, threw down the sleeping bags and slammed the basement door shut.

     "What took you so long?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung gestured to the sleeping bags on the floor. "That." He replied. Rapmonster grabbed two blankets, giving one to him and the other to Suga.

   Although Jimin had previously called the couch, Suga kicked him off and took the couch for himself. That left Jimin and the other three boys on the floor. As they were spreading out their beds, Jhope went to the bathroom.

   As everyone got settled while Jhope was in the bathroom, Rapmonster turned off the light, and they began to close their eyes. Taehyung on the other hand couldnt sleep, so he decided to go onto his phone and play Candy Crush.

     A few minutes after playing he huffed, frustrated. He put the phone down, but as he did he almost had a heart attack. Jhope was inches away from his face, laying down right next to him in his own sleeping bag, staring at Taehyung.

    "What level are you on?" Jhope asked. "Uh, 30..i cant beat it its really annoying." "Gimme." Jhope said, grabbing for the phone. "Taehyung gave him the phone, watching him play. The screen lit up Jhopes face beautifully, Taehyung had to use all his willpower not to kiss him.

   Finally he beat the level and Taehyung sang his praise. "Im tired, so im gonna sleep, have fun playing." Jhope yawned, closing his eyes. And impossibly a couple of minutes later, actually fell asleep. Taehyung simply stared at him, inches away from his face. And Taehyung simply couldnt hold back anymore, so he leaned forward.

And lightly.

Ever so lightly.

Kissed Jhope.

The special chapter will be released next, enjoy!

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