Dear Readers

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    Dear readers. No, scratch that, dear family. Dont worry, this isnt a message bringing bad news :). As you guys could probably tell ive been struggling to update recently. This is not due to being uninterested or bored, it is due to school. I am a sophmore and even though thats a lot less stressful then being a junior, it still has its challenges. I work very hard in school, I will admit that, which is why ive lacked in updating. So im here to announce i will be going on a two week hiatus. One reason so i can solely focus on school as my third quarter is ending, and also because i need to give myself a break. I love you all so much and i know u guys will understand. I have been so blessed with each and everyone of you guys. So, till two weeks.

Your author, and friend, Abby :)

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