Part 20

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    Taehyung didnt know what to think. Jhope had never mentioned his Grandmother. Never talked about her, just..nothing. So Taehyung was confused when Jhope said his Grandmother wasnt "doing so well." But he decided to go along with it.

    The sight of Jhope in tears made Taehyung himself want to cry. The usual happy Jhope, who was always sunshine and rainbows, was sad, and Taehyung didnt know how to handle it. So he decided to ask a question.

    "What happened to her?" He asked, rubbing Jhopes arm. Jhope sniffed, getting himself together. "Shes never really been well, for the past couple of years her health has been suffering. The doctors never diagnosed her with anything specific she was just, i dont know...always sick."

   Taehyung nodded, pushing Jhope to continue. "Sometimes she blacks out, or has these cough attacks, this time...this time she had a full on stroke." Jhope said, chocking back a sob. Taehyung patted his back lightly. He didnt say anything, he couldnt really. I mean he didnt even know Jhopes Grandmother, he couldnt just say "Oh she'll get better."?

     A nurse walked over and motioned Jhope in, but as the two boys stood up the nurse spoke. "Its family only." She said, nodding her head towards Taehyung. "He cant go." Jhope grabbed Taehyungs wrist after she spoke. "Hes coming with me." He said, marching off with Taehyung in tow.

    They walked into a patient room, on the far bed next to the window was an old, frail women, Jhopes Grandmother. "Grandma." Jhope said, smiling gently, rushing to her side. "Oh my sweet grandchild." She said, smiling and patting his head. Taehyung understood what Jhope meant when he said she was sick, she coughed continuedly, shook uncontrollably, and her eyes didnt seem to focus, they were blurry and unfocused.

     "Mom and Dad are on their way, so is Eun. Theyre all flying in, they should be here in a couple of hours." Jhope said, taking a hold of his Grandmothers hand.  His Grandmother coughed. "Jhope, please get me some water." Jhope jumped at her request and practically sprinted out the door.

     His Grandmother turned to me. "Thank you for coming with Hoseok, it means a lot to him and to me." She said, smiling kindly. Taehyung smiled back. "Its fine, im really glad im able to meet you." Jhopes Grandmother paused for a moment, then asked. "May i ask a favor of you boy?" Taehyung nodded, moving to sit beside her. "Please look out for my Grandchild. I fear no one is watching out for him now adays, please take care of him, wont you?" She asked politely.

    Taehyung smiled down at her. "Oh, if only you knew." He thought. "Of course." He responded, taking her hand. Eventually Jhope came back with the water, and after that they were told that visiting hours were over, and they had to leave. They briefly said goodbye to Jhopes Grandmother, then walked out the door.

    Taehyung led Jhope back to the University, but once they reached campus Taehyung noticed that Jhope was now leading him. They ended up reaching a building Taehyung had never been in before, they went up two flights of stairs, and witnessed Jhope fishing out a pair of keys and unlocking the door infront of him.

     Taehyung walked into the room, seeing a single bed, a mini fridge and desks and drawers , full of clothes and binders. "This is-"
Jhope cut him off. "This is my dorm. I got lucky and didnt end up with a roommate."

    Jhope sat on his bed, staring at the wall. Taehyung decided to get him a drink from the mini fridge. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out a water. As he was turning around,
well he didnt quite know what happened. Before he knew it, Jhope had walked into his arms. His arms wrapped around his back, his nose buried into Taehyungs neck, and he began sobbing.

     Taehyung was shocked, stunned, flustered, you name it. He didnt know what to do. So he began patting Jhopes head softly, and for some unknown reason, started to sing a song. Taehyung started to sing a love song.




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