Part 80

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This is where all your questions, stop.

     It was a week after the big snow storm, snow still literred the ground but the city was up and running again and classes were now in session. It was a Tuesday morning and Taehyung had to meet Jhope at 11:00 in the library for their regular sessions.

        Taehyung waved goodbye to Jungkook and headed out the door. As he walked to the library he ate his bagel and looked around the campus in peace, he was about to take a left when he heard someone call his name. "Taehyung?"

   The familiar voice stopped him in his tracks, he slowly turned around and nearly dropped his bagel and phone at who he saw.


     A mix of anger, panic, and resentment ran through Taehyung, as he saw the elder. "Taehyung! So that is you." Jin said, walking over to where Taehyung stood. Taehyung took a step back, meeting Jins gaze with a hard stare.

    "Yup, its me." He said sharply. "What do you want Jin." He snapped, not bothering to put the honorific "Hyung" at the end. "I heard you went here, i wanted to come see you, how are you?" Jin said, to casual for Taehyungs liking.

   "Fine." Taehyung snipped. "Ive got to go." Taehyung quickly said, turning away from Jin and heading towards the library. "We should meet up later!" He heard Jin call, Taehyung didnt bother to answer, and quickly tried to blink the tears away from his eyes.

    Taehyung entered the library to see Jhope looking down at some papers, already working on something. Jhope looked up as Taehyung walked towards the table. "Tae! How are you? You're not usually late." Jhope stated.

    "Yeah sorry, got caught up." Taehyung said, confusion and panic running through him. Throughout the lesson Taehyung continued to space out, until Jhope spoke up. "You okay Tae? You dont really seem yourself today.."

   Taehyungs heart throbbed at this news. "Oh im fine! Just..didnt sleep well lastnight." Taehyung lied, sadness seeped through him, he didnt want to get Jhope involved.

      After the lesson, Taehyung began to pack up his stuff, as he was about to leave Jhope spoke up. "Make sure to get some sleep tonight, K Tae?" Jhope said. Taehyung nodded and smiled at Jhope. "Yeah, thanks."

    Taehyung turned away from Jhope and began to walk out of the library towards his class. He felt like crying, never had he ever felt so dettached, especially from Jhope. Jhope always made him smile, always made everything better, but this situation just confused Taehyung.

     What the hell was Jin doing there? How did he even find out where Taehyung went to college? Why did he even care? Taehyung shook those thoughts out of his head and headed towards his next class, he would figure all that stuff out later.

      During the middle of their biology lab, Jimin nudged Taehyung. "So who was that guy you were talking to this morning?" Taehyungs heart dropped at Jimins question and he had to keep himself from breaking the lab equipment.

    "Just..someone from my past, doesnt matter." Taehyung said, trying to focus on the lab instead of the conversation. Jimin looked at Taehyung, but got the message that was being sent, and decided not to ask anything else. "Well, the crew and i are having a dance show tonight, wanna come?" Jimin asked.

    Taehyung nodded, trying to cheer himself up. "Yeah thatd be awesome, ill be there." Taehyung answered. He wasnt going to let Jin ruin his mood like this, he didnt have power over him anymore, he was going to go to the dance show and have fun, and not worry.

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