Once Upon A Time...

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Becoming a Princess is every girl's dream.

Beautiful dresses you can twirl around until you're completely dizzy, elegant shoes that click perfectly on the marble tile floors of the castle, and lots and lots of sparkling jewelry you could wear. Tall walls of windows with the illuminated light from the sun as it holds much treasure of art and sculpture you might have the idea of breaking one. Each door has its own room; ballroom to have grand parties, library to read every book available, dining hall to have a large feast of delicious food every single day, and more rooms to play hide-and-seek.

A large garden, filled with many varieties of exotic flowers blossoming by each touch. The songs from birds chirping in the air as they portray the music of the morning.

The sun shining on your face, caressing it's a ray of light, saying "good morning."

But the next day, you open your eyes to only vision a beautiful dream and see what's in front of your - reality.

The ray of the sun no longer lingers. Gray curtains fall over the blue sky. Clouds, ready to soak the earth with its tears. The angry roar of thunder rumbled causing the whole world to shake in its wrath.

You, no longer see the bright blue sky, the sweet voices of the birds' harmony to giving you an exciting new day. The pang of coldness spread through your dirty bare feet, tucking them under an uncomfortable and pokey wool blanket that only reaches the ankles. Worn out clothes that don't warm your body and a little fire on a stick is all the heat you can preserve yourself. Mice and cockroaches scattered around you just to linger with their tiny feets.

Shivering and in the darkness of the kitchen and a bit hungry for the food you've already eaten was just scraps of leftover dinner, but your stomach craves more. Your stomach cries, looking out the window as the rain knocks warning of another thunder. You wonder when the rain ends and hoping for a brighter day. But, every day isn't your sunny day, but a dark day to be ordered around and listen to annoying stepsisters who can't-do the work themselves. And let's not forget the fake Queen herself, the worst of them all.

To think, she was a sweet and caring new mother you always wanted. But, once the father leaves for a business trip. Her mask reveals her real and nasty self.

Proper and clean is whenever Father is home, hiding the fact that my her stepmother is a dreadful woman - a witch. Once again, he leaves, it back from to the rags and chores.

You assume having new family members would complete you and your dreams of a real princess in the household, but it has been just nothing but the dust of despair and nightmare.

And so, the beginnings of the poor little girl under the mistreatment from her stepmother and stepsisters. Ella will enter the place called - The Dark Abyss with a crazy Doctor.

Enter the world where not all Fairy Tales aren't that easy to have a Happily Ever After. There's always a dark side to it.

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