Chapter 47

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"Danielle?" Her voice rose louder for everyone to hear. "Danielle! When did you fall in love with her?" She asked angrily.

"Since the day she made your daughters her dresses," I said, still smirking. "She's a woman with many talents."

"That's absurd!" She cried out, echoing inside the church. "You can't just instantly fall in love with her just once meeting her."

"I did with you."

"That's was different. That because I have-" she paused and waited for her to continue. Confessing her secret on capturing the King's attention.

While everyone was witnessing this embarrassing moment for Ravena. I continued to intimate her.

"I have a change of heart, Danielle captivate my heart."

"She's nothing but twice younger than you." She snapped. "She could be one of your daughters. You, marrying your daughter. How disgusting."

"At least she would stay young, beautiful and innocent." I used the words that Ravena hated the most. She faced me with hatred in her eyes.

"You are completely mad!" she shouted. She really dare raise her voice at the king, even though it's me.

"And your completely jealous."

That got Ravena's more of her attention. "What?"

"Did I not say it wrong?" I grinned. "From what I see, you are jealous of a young and innocent girl."

"I'm not jealous!"

"Your jealous of this Danielle and was jealous of the Danielle you knew before you killed her."

I watched her as she froze in horror. Voices from the people were talking and murmuring each other. Her daughters looked like they don't know anything what their mother done.

"You killed Danielle Norwood Ashford," I pressed. "The wife of your late husband, Fredrick Ashford, who you also murdered."

Gasped and murmurs filled the church eyeing on Raven who felt pretty uncomfortable and stress she hesitated.

"I did not murdered him, that little bitch did!" she stuttered, as she tried to cover her guilt.

"Oh, then how did she die?" I asked. "Everybody in kingdom knew about the murder of Lord Ashford, why covering it by blaming his beloved daughter, who everyone knew of her gentle and sweet personality." I stepped away from her and faced the guests. "Ella never complains, nor whines the only thing that stands her out was her beautiful smile. And you, pushed her down the cliff." I smirked wickedly. "That doesn't add up, Ravena?"

"No....that...that is not true!"

I pulled on my cat grin as she stuttered.

Good, it's working. I'm breaking her. Although it's a bad thing and I hate bullying especially coming from the woman who tortured me for years is tasting her own medicine.

"I heard that you killed your husband because his late wife left her inheritance for their only child, but you refuse it and angrily jealous that Ella would own Ashford estate and the land," her body began to tremble. I stood in front of her. "You killed Lord Ashford and killed Ella after she witness you murdering her father."

Her dark eyes in fear looked up at me. I could sense fear on her. "How did you know all of this?"

I smirked. Dipped my head down to her ear and whispered. "Because Ravena, everything that you own, everything that you love, will be mine."

Once I said the exact same words she told me before pushing me off the cliff. She screamed backing away. "Impossible."

"Nothing impossible when wanting to take down the woman who ruined my life."

She frowned and confused. "What are you talking about, your majesty?"

I guess it's time reveal the ghost. I instantly shift to my original self. Gasped and shocking surprised from the people, the princes, my stepsisters and my stepmother all seen the way I changed from the King to Ella. The moment she saw me, her face went pale and her eyes grew wide as if seeing her victims ghost for the first time.

"Hello, Stepmother," I grinned, wickedly.

"E-Ella?!" She gasped at my sudden transformation. Even the guests, my stepsisters and the princes were stunned. Ravena cleared her throat and pretended not to be traumatized. "You're alive." She act as if she cared like a mother would do when she hasn't seen their child for a long period of time. "I'm so happy-"

"Cut the crap, Ravena," I saw her flinched at my sharp voice. "You've already confessed in front of these people. It's over."

Her scared face fell and pulled up a grimacing look. "Over? It's far from over. I never would of thought when I pushed you down the cliff you survived. How long was it since you were presume dead?"

"A month and a half."

"Right," she walked past me walking as if she were already queen. "You've been missing for a month and how many weeks? What have you been doing all these time?"

Why is she asking this? Where did all her fear go?

The minute I have her in my hands it just disappeared.

"Planning a way to stop you and that pendant." I said.

She arched a brow. "This? This was simply a gift from my first husband. As you already know."

"And that came from the kingdom of Lost where all the other forbidden items are located." I point to the pendant. "That pendant is curse with an evil demon that will soon devour your soul."

Her laughs rumbled in her throat. "Foolish Ella, you think just because you have magic to impersonate the King doesn't mean my pendant would do the same for me."

"Ravena, listen to me." I demanded. "Take that pendant off or the whole world will be filled with darkness."

"Ha! Let it be then," she said in determination. "I've always wanted to rule a kingdom with my own personal taste. With hatred, sorrow and darkness. You and that wrench-bitch mother of yours had ruined everything I wanted." Her voice had suddenly changed.

Deep and evil.

Her eyes began to darken, then ghostly glow shade of purple and black surround her whole body. I took a step back when Mei-Li was by my side wearing my Maid of Honor dress. Everyone was scared and witness the evil within Ravena's heart with the help of the pendant as the purple gem glow bright.

"So, you were Danielle all along, Ella," her voice wasn't the same anymore. It sounded demonic. My body shake just the sound of it. "I've always wonder why I would meet a young business woman who has the same features as my dear friend. The same innocent and young look, loved by all people. You simply are Danielle's precious daughter." She glared at me. "Now I realized you played me like a fool."

"Like how you played with my Father's feelings?" I snapped. "He wanted a second chance in love and you killed him."

She laughed demonically. "Your Father was even a bigger fool to marry someone like me who desire power more than love. Power is my muse, my life and my love." She raised her hands up above her head and roared causing the whole ground to shake. "Soon with all this power I can rule the whole world and let them bow down to me!"

A large purple cloud hover over her head as it increase its size. Everyone screamed running out of the church in fear. A strong gust of wind swirled around us as hit of lightening thundered the church uncontrolledly striking the walls and the pillars inside.

Ravena demonic laugh continues to fill the air summoning the black magic of the pendant.

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