Chapter 45

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I would've thought to be watch my stepmother get ready for her own wedding. Her smile flashing on her face as the servants help her settle in her white wedding gown.

I stared hard and feeling the pressure to curse her through the mirror. How could she be happy when that woman is a murderer of two? She thought she killed me but failed.

I wasn't in my Maid of Honor gown until she takes notice looking me from the mirror as one servant does her hair. "Danielle? Why aren't you dressed?"

"Sorry, Ravena just thinking how beautiful you look." Just saying that makes my stomach churn.

"Well go on and get dressed." She gawked at me not taking my compliment.

Oh, I'll get ready alright.

My body tense. From the doorway, I heard Mei-Li signaling me from the hallway. "I guess I'll go and get change."

I left her room talking to Mei-Li in the corner. "My chamber is straight there the first door. Remember to keep your face hidden."

"Are you sure this will work, sister?" She whispered, worried. "She will take notice that I'm not Danielle, that I'm not you."

"You will be fine," I said, "she will be busy looking as if she's happy. It's her wedding day after all." Looking around the hall. "Where's Mama and Papa?"

"They are at the church."

"Good." I said, feeling a bit excited about this plan. "Now go and make sure nobody sees you."

"Your mocking me, sister," she grinned, with confident. "Don't you know my powers I can blend."

Mei-Li took a step back until she hit the wall and suddenly her whole body became painted with the same wall disappearing out of thin air. I scoffed at her cockiness and went over to the King's chamber.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・⚜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Shifted myself as one of the servants. I stood in front of the large door behind is the room chamber of the King.

Raised my fist to knock but was open instantly. I bowed my head once I saw six princes walking out of the room.

"Father is sure happy for this big day," Raj said.

"Do you think this will be the last to marry someone?" Asked Eugene.

"I doubt it," Nicolas said coldly.

"Don't fret, brother," Lucas draped an arm around Nicolas, "your just mad that we have sisters."

"They are such an eyesore," he gritted his teeth. Lucas and Brendan chuckled.

One by one each prince made their way out and I jumped when Matt was the last to go.

"Kate," he called a name, presumably meant me since after all I'm the only one here. "Father needs someone to help with his wedding attire."

I dipped my head. "Yes, your majesty. I'll get to it."

He left following his brothers as they disappeared.

I released large of uneasy air. My heart is fluttery and scare on what I'm going to do with the king of Enchantia.

But we have to go as plan or else who knows what that pendant will do with Ravena and the people around it. So, I knocked on the door with two soft hits.

"Come in," the King's deep voice muffled through the door.

Another release air from my body, I entered. "Your highness, Prince Matthias had asked me to help you with your attire." I bowed.

"Yes, please. I'm too nervous," he chuckled. He sure does sound nervous.

While the King stood in front of the mirror glancing at himself. I quickly reached my pocket pulling out a small vile of chloroform Papa said when inhaling this chemical would make a person unconscious.

I don't know where he got it from but my hands were shaking.

Come one, Ella you can do this. You're not harming the King but saving his life into marrying that evil woman.

"What are you doing back there?" He asked, with a large tone of voice.

I jumped, trembling the vile and pouring some liquid on a cloth. "Just a minute, your highness." I lied.

"I don't have minutes. Today is my wedding day and I have to be at the church before my bride does."

"Yes, your grace." Licking my lips, I dragged a stool quietly behind him. Since his size is the same as Father I need support to reach his face.

Carefully step on top of the stool. Concentrating on my attack he said something about finding true love and having growing families is a good thing.

Before I could cover his mouth and nose he mentioned his eldest son. "I know I've been hard on my sons, especially Matthias," he said with a fallen face. "I wanted what's best for him. I didn't want him to end up like me who failed at true love and have six of my wives leaving me."

I listened as he sounded disappointed on himself.

"I want him to be happy, all of them to be happy."

He really does love his sons. He knows that if they find someone who they deeply care and love for he's afraid that each of them will end up like the King, broken and grief.

"Your majesty, can I say something."

"Go ahead."

"Someone told me being fear is the key to courage," I began. "If your afraid that your sons will make the mistakes you've made by falling in love then you should allow them to fix it. They are smart and very brave princes of Enchantia. They would probably think they are twice better than you protecting their woman." My mind then flash Matt's face. "Do you think they would be happy marrying someone they don't love? Do you think the bride will be heartbroken that her husband can not look at him, no love and no care in the world for her because he does not love her. That would leave her ending her life of loveless."

King William hasn't said a word but listened to my strong words for him to understand. "They are mature Princes that needed to be leaving the best, spreading their wings and fly. They what wanted most is your support."

He looked at the mirror and pulled the expression of realizing his mistake again. "You are absolutely right." He confessed. "I guess I was a bit hard on them. Maybe I should allow them to marry someone of their interest. Someone they love."

"Good decision, your majesty," I said, smiling. "Since you decree a new rule for them." And not wait time. "I'm sorry to do this."

"What?-" I covered his nose and mouth. Blocking all airway. He struggled for a bit but I was holding on until he can no longer stand.

A loud thump to the floor. I carried his huge body and say him on the chair like one of my dolls. I grabbed his bed sheet tying him around from top chest, his wrist and his ankles. His head was swaying motionless.

"I'm sorry your majesty, but this is for your own good." I whispered to his unconscious body. "I'm saving you, Matt, the Princes and the kingdom from the woman who ruined my life."

I took his white wedding attire and shifted into the King himself.

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