Chapter 3

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Crystal blue sky, the emerald green meadow filled with an ocean of flowers with its sweet scent. I chased a graceful butterfly soaring in the clear air. Birds chirping and the small gust of wind caressing my face to combine the perfect harmony of a precious day.


I no longer chased the butterfly and turned my head to find the sweet honey voice of my mother. Father stood by her side with both beautiful smiles on their faces.

"Mother! Father!" I cried with my mouth pulled into a wide smile.

I ran towards them through the grassy field. Happiness filled my heart as my parents wait for me on the other side next to the tree where we would always have our family picnics.


Mother's voice called out.

My heart beating from running into the thick and tall grass as I brushed my way through. Then I noticed the more I run, the more further away from a distance.


I kept running never giving up. I don't want Mother to leave me again.

Suddenly, Father began to fade away, "Father!" Behind them no longer clear blue but the end of a dark cave. Panic rush replacing the joy of seeing Mother again.

Dark clouds blanket over the blue sky, lightning and deep rumble sound echoed through the sky. Hard and strong wind pushed against me to keep me from going any closer to where Mother is.

"Mother! No!" I cried. Watched as her body turned to stone and crumbled into ashes.

I reached to the pile of dust disappearing as I cried out to her. And the sound of dark laughter rang through my ears. I recognize that laugh, the laugh that will haunt me forever. I lifted my head to find Ravena holding her murder weapon standing next to both my parents lifeless body.

My body trembled and fear overcame me as I just stare hopelessly at the women who ruined my family laughing hysterically killed my parents right before my eyes.

Her evil and dark eyes glued on me as she took a step. "Now Ella..." She smirked wickedly, that sent fear through me, "everything that you love, everything that you own... Will. Be. Mine!"

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・⚜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


Panting continues as drop of sweats on my body as if I stood under the rain. I brushed the lock of hair with my fingers away from my face letting out a loud breath of air. What an awful nightmare?

My breathing soothe slowly as I looked to where I woke up to. Around me finds that I'm inside a room inside a probably small cabin house in the forest.

How did I get here?

I jumped to the sound of an open door only to see a large tray over something or someone.

"Oh!" The voice of the person looked to the side of the tray. "Your awake."

This person walked over carrying the tray over a table and I finally see who's the owner of this house. Well, what's little I see of him.

"Hungry?" He asked.

I didn't pay much attention of the food but looking at the small little old man who seem jolly. White hair with a bald spot and a bushy mustache that covers his mouth. Much more than Father's.

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