Chapter 13

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Those eyes, those clear crystal blue and green eyes had been taunting me. Haunting me. No...


Never been so obsessed with such looking at a stranger eyes. Do I know him? Why does he has her eyes?

My heart flutter when he looked up at me. A stranger with a large cloak and mask covered from head to toe. Who was he? And why did he run from me when I asked who he was.

The stranger is beautiful with the crystal eyes.

I frustrated my hair in a mess. Dipping my head on my hands. I could never get it off my mind.

A hard knock on the door of my bed chamber. I didn't bothered to look judging my the loud knock, Lucas is probably going to ask about my lady friend again. And tease as well.

"Brother!" I groaned just by the sound of his voice. Like a bee flying around you and can't shoo it away. "What's with the long face, brother?" pulling up a teasing grin.

Looked up at him and snarled. Sometimes I wish I have a sister instead.

"Lucas, stop teasing him," Eugene grimacing slightly, as if he find this amusing too.

Make that two sisters.

"This Danielle woman is making you act like a child," Brendan said. "Why don't you find her in the forest? Isn't that where you first saw her?"

I tilt my head back, resting it against my chair. Released a huge breath of exhausting air. "If I go, Father is going to be suspicious."

"Just tell him that you're taking a nightly ride," Raj suggested. "He won't know."

"Raj, don't ever doubt Father's sharp eyes," Nicolas, wore his lenses pushing it up above his nose. "He will know."

"Nicky, you are so boring and always reading those books," Lucas drape an arm around Nicolas. "Don't you remember our nightly ride when we were just young boys?"

Of course Nicolas would remember, the rest of my brothers would and so will I.

It was our always get away from rough lessons from tutors Father hired for us. Riding during the dark sky, as if it were a blanket for the earth as warmth though completely the opposite. The sound of our horses riding with the wind as the rise of our light from the moon leading the way through the night.

Those were some precious times. Now, I miss looking at the moon.

I gazed at the moon from where I sat. The doors leading to the balcony wide open to let in fresh nightly air to help me ease.

It wasn't working.

I rose from my seat heading out in the balcony, while half listening to my brothers bring up childhood memories.

The moon beneath me doesn't look pleasing from here.

"Brothers," turning my head an angle, and grinned. "Maybe a night ride won't be a bad idea. That is, if you care to join me?"

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・⚜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

This just what I needed. The dark sky, little speck of lights and the large moon hovering over the heads. It wasn't hard to leave the castle. Nicolas was wrong about Father's sharp eyes. He didn't mind at all once we mentioned a nightly run.

My brothers and I race on our route passing the lake that separates the kingdom and the forest. It wasn't just a nightly ride.

Pushing my horse, Titus, further ahead of brothers. Excitement rushed through me, as I could hear my heart beat, mimicking this majestic creature thundering hooves.

"Hey! Matt!" Brendan called from behind, but I could barely hear. "Wait up!"

I couldn't wait any longer. I need to see her again. The night won't stop me from seeing her

Once the moon was no longer in clear view, I'm surrounded by walls of trees. I halt Titus, taking a breath as my brothers arrived with irritation on their faces.

"You just couldn't wait, could you?" Lucas pulled a grin.

I couldn't help but smile back. "It just up this path."

As I lead, the sounds of this quiet forest felt unsafe especially for Danielle to live in. That always lead to a curious question.

Owls hoot, crickets chirp, and the crunching sounds of dead leaves beneath the hooves of our horses. This forest is surely dead at night, nothing but darkness and cold air.

"Are we almost there?" Lucas shivered from the cold night. "It's freezing."

"Where's your nightly adventure?" Eugene asked. "I thought you were happy to be out instead of staying at the castle."

"I don't have muscles like yours to warm me up, you Neanderthal, " he snapped. I and the rest of my brothers laughed.

The path was long, but I'm sure we are close. Closer to her.

"Shh...Did you hear that?"

"You're just imagining things, Lucas," Brendan said.

"I thought I heard something," Lucas continues.

"Don't worry, we are almost there. We just have to-" that's when I heard the sound Lucas was talking about.

"See, I'm not hallucinating." He whine as a child in a man's body.

The strange sounds continues. I halt Titus to a stop. He whine also sensing it.

My brothers and I listen as the sound grew louder in a clear deep growl. I eyeball to my right and same goes for my left. Red eyes peered through dark bushes.

I unsheathed my sword slowly. "I think we have company, brothers."

Then multiple sounds of metal release from their slumber. My brothers were ready for a fight.

More angry growls filled the empty forest. I stayed on my horse. The brushed rustled. "Get ready."

Peering out vision of large Borkis appeared. Borkis, ten times larger than a tiger and stronger than a lion. These large cats don't chase rats, they chase something larger. Like us.

"Matt," Nicolas whispered, enough for my ears to listen. "I think we are in their territory. We are not welcome."

I gripped the end of my sword tightly. I grinned my teeth, itching to kill every one of these.

With a watchful eyes, they circle around pushing us in the middle. Their red eyes targeting their prey, as they continue ready for a strike.

Looked at my brothers in the eyes, we all nod our heads.

Then one Borkis made his move to push me down.

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