Chapter 29

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From the moment you were having a wonderful time at the ball and with Matt had cause this perfect time to make me change expression. My whole body froze in an instant as my eyes caught the woman wearing a long gown with her favorite color; deep purple. Symbolize Power, nobility, luxury and ambition. All the that she craves, all that she needs in her life. Her selfish greed.

I watch her from afar. I noticed her right away from her choice of color and flash her beauty among suitors. Minerva in pink  and Freda in green puffy gown isn't attractive of style they have on. They have their own sort taste of fashion. They were talking to some gentlemen, flattering and flirting. Their usual attraction catching a man.

"Matt," halting at a spot away from Ravena and her daughters. "I have to search for Mei-Li." Given an excuse.

"Okay, I'll be over where my brothers are." He said. "They are probably going ask my alone time with you."

I smiled, slightly nod before he left to met up with the rest of his brothers. My expression changed began taking my steps toward Ravena.

Remember Ella, head high and act noble.

Passing by through the crowd, dipping my head politely at every person caught my eye.

Reaching towards Ravena, I gave her a little nudge on her shoulder switching from a cold hearted woman to an innocent maiden.

"Excuse me, my humble apologies," bowed and gestured my hand.

She made a small grunted but pulled a sarcastic smile. "Tis all right." She glared. Have we met?" She asked, while studying me.

"No, it's my first time meeting you," I smiled, not pleased. "I'm called Lady Danielle Norwood. And you?"

She choked from her cup of red wine. Coughing out the substance to clear her throat. "Ravena Wilcocks." I see she used back her maiden name. She later found her voice. "Did you say Danielle Norwood?"

"Yes," I perked, pretending. "Do you know me?"

Her eyes glanced from my shoes up to my face. Her grimace looked into my eyes. I smirked.

"No, actually, but..." Another look, as her face turned pale like she had seen a ghost.

Yes, a ghost. The ghost of my Mother who's standing right in front of you.

"You reminded me of someone I know."

"Oh, who might that be?" I pressed. Wanting to know more of what she knew of my Mother.

"She was actually a very close friend of mine. Same name." She put her fingers under her chin, studying me some more. "With the mask on, you look just like her."

"I'm honor to be compliment from you."

She huffed. "The Danielle I know is an eyesore."

I cringed, by her insult of my mother. Keep calm, Ella. "Oh, how so?"

"Danielle is always loved by everyone, born from noble birth. She didn't care about how much wealth she's been bestow upon her grandfather." Took her red wine in one shot, gulping it down her throat. "She's such a goodie-two-shoe that can get anything she want, she want to live in the country raising barn animals and marry a man who isn't in her level. Pathetic."

I clinched my fists. The heat and boiling of my insides are burning up the more Ravena talks to my deceased Mother. You dare to insult my mother that way, I'll show you.

"She does sound like a fool," I said, calmly. "I'll be blind to marry some farmer." I laughed, let out wicked tone.

"Precisely," she pouting her lips. "You know. You understand me than anyone else I know. I'm so happy to have someone to be at the same level as me. Glad I got rid of that foolish Danielle and her poor husband. Why did I even agree to marry him?"

Got rid of? What did she mean got rid of?

My muscle tense and I could feel the crystals mixing with my anger began to emerged from my skin. But I had to keep calm before I can allow to reveal who I am.

Just need to be close to her and have her confess her evil crimes.

"You married her husband?" I asked, pressing on with my scheme.

"I thought marrying Fredrick shall make me rich. But it turns out that cunning witch Danielle gave her precious daughter everything she owned. Her daughter was the worst, too nice and too kind always smiling. I had her be my maid behind her father's back and not once she complained." She released a wicked laughed. "That ridiculous girl. So glad she's gone too."

I don't know how much wine she had but she's confessing everything to a complete stranger as if we can relate.

"I'd wish I had a stepdaughter like that." I said, continuing my act. "I wouldn't want any other maids in my household than her."

She laughed. "We've should have met sooner, I would have given to you for free." More laughs and more red wine.

The gritted my teeth under my mouth. I feel the urge to take this woman down in front of these people. But, in order for me to be close to her, I had to be friends. Even if it gives my stomach a knot of releasing much food, I have to hold it. I feel bad for Ravena not having much friends. It's the reason why some people don't want to get close to her. She's too unreasonable and cunning.

Behind that sheep skin, is not a wolf but a demon. And that demon is name Ravena Wilcocks.

I forced myself to stay and chat more with her. Talking about her miserable life and her non talented daughters who are in no luck with available suitors to take their hand in marriage.

Just stay as plan  in front of her. Make her be fond of you. Make her think you can relate in simple common interest. Act like friends and be understanding before I could step out and place my crystal blades at the center of her pretty neck.

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