Chapter 50

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"We did it!" Papa shouted with glee as he jumped for joy. Mama held him and kissed him all over.

The Aurelius brothers all gave each other a victory embrace after a tough battle.

Mei-Li clung her arms over my shoulder. "You did it." She praised.

"No, we did it." Then we laughed it out.

"It would have been better if you've killed her," I arched a brow and she chuckled. "I'm only kidding, sister. Don't give me that look. But, we saved the kingdom and the world from Ravena's wrath."

I nodded in agreement. Then shouts of females voices echoed through our ears. Recognizing them from Minerva and Freda.

"Mother!" They both yelled for their beat up mother still on the ground as her complex has returned once I destroyed the pendant.

"Oh Mother, what have you done?" Asked Minerva, with such concern for her broken mother.

Ravena looked up to see her two daughters and lunged to them in an embrace as more tears fell from her eyes. She whispered how much she's very sorry to caused so much distraction. She even promised to make amends for herself

While giving time for the mother and two of her daughters. I took a glance at Matt who smiled at me. But I never return back a expression respond but instead walked away.

After all that has happened, after all that he has seen, he smiled at me. He didn't look disgust or disappointed. I'm confuse with the man. I'm standing looking hideous covered in blood and dirt that he doesn't seem to mind at all. And all I could do is turned my back away from him.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・⚜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

After the whole chaos with Ravena's wrath. The King has finally was release from the closet and wasn't too happy being locked up, but was furious at what Ravena did to him.

Back at the castle, he sat at his throne, massaging his head aching from everything that has gone wrong.

"Ravena Wilcocks," he began with a deep and furious tone. "Did you have any idea what you've caused?"

Ravena kneeled down in front of the king, scared and helpless. We are all behind her.

King William bang his palm on his armrest demanding an answer cause her to flinched. "Answer me!"

She squeak like a mouse being hunted by the might lion. "Your majesty, I don't know what came over me. In my mind I mainly focus on jealously and hatred that I didn't know why I did such destruction."

"Not only you put a love spell on me but murdered Lord Ashford and the previous Lady Ashford." Then he eyed me. "And presumably murdered Ella. Not to mention killing your own parents for your selfish needs. What do you say for yourself?"

I watched as Ravena dipped her head and surrender. "I'm guilty. With all the stuff I've done to harm Ella I held responsible and take any consequences for my horrible action."

Minerva and Fred were whispering to their mother. Their sad faces shows how much they deeply care for her.

"It's okay, my darlings," she said sweetly to them. "I deserves this."

"Ravena Wilcocks Ashford, I hereby decree sentence to death." Said the King. Both my stepsisters whined in tears and begged the king to changed their mother's punishment. "Silence!"

Both Minerva and Freda shuts their mouths tight into thin long strings.

"I wasn't finished." He said. "Since of your hateful crimes of murdering more than four people. Would sentences you to death, but with Ella's protest of giving you a less harsher punishment. I've decided to remove your title as countess and point you as a farmer where you once live. Forever in that house and die in that house. Is that understood?"

"Yes your majesty, I accept your punishment" Ravena bowed, then rose her head up. "What about my daughters?"

"They never knew of your evil deeds, but has mistreated Ella as accomplices. They have a choice to live with you or become one of my servants as laundry maids."

This time Minerva and Freda squeak like mice upon hearing laundry. I think it's a fair punishment, after all they had me clean thousands of their dresses everyday. Made my hands dry and wrinkly.

"Your majesty," Minerva kneeled next to her mother, "I'll live with my mother, but don't make me a laundry maid."

"Me too," Freda complained. Both of them whined and begged to the king. "I'm not cut out for laundry that was Ella's job- ow!" She hissed once her sister pinched her from behind.

"Very well, from not on you two are to stay with your mother in that farm house." He decreed. "Also, you are never to marry of higher standards, you must marry within your status. Is that understood?"

Ravena and her daughters all stood and curtsy. "Thank you your majesty." I know they were disappointed that they can't marry for wealth anymore but at least their mother escaped death.

The King told James to escort Ravena and her daughters to their farm.

"Ella," Ravena halt in front of me, took my hand. "I know I wasn't a mother to you and I treated you so poorly. I'm very terribly sorry of my actions. Can you ever forgive me."

She was sincere this time. No longer a trick or sarcasm. But she's is serious this time.

"I forgive you," she smiled happily, "however, I hope we don't see each other in the future."

Her smiled fade, letting go of my hand. "Understood, I know you meant well and I'll completely follow your decision. We will never see each other in the future. This is goodbye, Ella."

With that she and her daughters were escorted out by James and couple of knights. I didn't say goodbye because somehow I knew we will meet again. I just didn't want to mean it.

"Now," The King turned his attention to me, "about your punishment, Ella?"

I smiled and let out a nervous chuckle. His face seems serious. I heard light chuckles from behind.

I gulped.

This time I'm anxious what kind of punishment the king will bestow upon me. Now I'm scared.

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