Chapter 42

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As I entered the castle. My heart began to quake under my chest. Ravena seems to jolly to even notice my unstable walks.

The large porcelain doors opens the same way the night at the ball. The night I had my first dance with Matt, his mother garden that would reminisce my mother appearing in my mind as well as his. The sadness and loneliness in his voice I could relate in many ways. But he had brothers he deeply care where I don't have any siblings but Mei-Li is the only person who's my sister rather than two spoiled ones who always argue and compete.

"Mother!" Speaking of the Devils spawns. Minerva and Freda were heading towards us as always fighting. "Mother, tell Freda that pink would fit best for the gowns."

"No, my dear sister," Freda countered. "It's best for green color for the gowns."

"Unless you want to look like vegetables," Minerva insulted. Then both girls were at it again. Yelling at each other's face insulting the color and the face.

They would never stop. Though they have time to tease me and I think they've have become the laughing stock of Enchantia. Everyone knows how these two act. Honestly I feel really bad for them especially Ravena.

I pity her.

"Girls, Girls!" Ravena called for them in a halt. "Now, I know both of you have very good suggestion but I don't think pink and green would go together with purple." She turned her attention on me. "It's the reason why I have Danielle to help with your gowns. Isn't that right Danielle?"

I pulled up a smile. "Of course, I would be delighted to fix your dresses. Come one girls, let's get to stitching." I pushed Minerva and Freda to the room they were staying at and done my best to fix their gowns.

I've learn sewing from another when I was three, then after she died and no one to teach me. I self taught myself, which became a habit. Mei-Li kept wearing her what she calls it her Hanfu. Looks like a robe. It was torn and old, so with some fabric I bought while shopping with Ravena I made her into something similar to it. Red with gold lace. She really loved it and said I could run a business with this talent.

My own clothing business? That would be fun.

My steps-sisters were well behave as I stitch up the dresses trying to make it beautiful as possible. I would have them wear something from the dump but it's best for them to think of me as a friend.

Since pink and green are out of the options. I made a quick made of a champagne color with fake flowers on top of the chest area and one single strap over one shoulder. The dress stayed long, except in front is shorter than the back to reveal a bit of their ankle and shoes. The bottom part is completely layered with lace while on top is solid texture color like pearls.

Minerva shrieked through the room. I had to cover my ears. "This dress is absolutely gorgeous!"

"I'm happy to hear that," I said, happily.

"I can't believe you pulled this off within less than an hour." She commented. "Are you a fairy?"

I flinched. "No, just a businesswoman that knows how to sew with a needle and string."

"Anyways," she looked herself in the mirror, primping. "When I marry to a noble or one of the prince I'll ask you to make my wedding dress."

"Not if I marry first," Freda declared, pushed her sister out to take over the mirror. "You should think of eating less sister than plan your wedding. I think you are blotted in this area." Gesturing to the stomach.

"Well said sister, but at least I don't need work on my face," she snapped in returned used her hip to push her sister. Freda's mouth open wide.

I too was shock to hear what Minerva said to Freda. To rate their looks, Minerva has much more charm than Freda but in the weight category, Freda would win. But overall, these sisters are not in the beauty category. As I said, I pity them. It's the reason why they would be jealous of me when other boys talk to me rather than them.

They continued their feisty argument and entered Ravena with two servants behind her. Her eyes shows a glint of sparkles once she spotted her daughter's wearing the dress I made.

"My, my, my," she circled around Minerva, than looked at Freda. "Danielle these dresses are outstanding."

"Thank you."

"If I would of know you have such talented hands I wouldn't have ask you to do my wedding dress."

"Oh you are too kind, Ravena," I said, flattering. I act in giggles with her when the door opened once more and entered King William and two of his sons entered and I couldn't believe that one of them I wouldn't want to see while I'm here is walking toward us. My heart froze, so did my whole body.

I could not move an inch.

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