Chapter 16

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"How is he, Papa?" Stepping inside his underground science lab is what he calls it.

"She is surviving, but in pain."

I pulled my brows together. "She? You mean that soldier is a girl?"

"Yes, and almost in a bridge of dying," Papa clicked his tongue and shake his head.

I gazed my eyes to the female warrior lying on the bed where Papa had me experimented before what I've become.

Her face is young and pure, no older than me. Hair the same color as Matt but long and silk like a fabric draping over your shoulders. I must say, she's breathtaking. I couldn't tell with her armor on mistaken for a male. I actually felt my face heated and heart beating I wouldn't look away. I never been out of Enchantia and meet people from different countries so it the first meeting a foreigner. 

"Papa, are you willing to save her life?" Concerned for this she-warrior life will be shortened. 

Too early to die, too young to die.

Papa rubbed his chin doing his thinking. "It will be a difficult procedure. The day when I saved you, you didn't lose any body parts. Ah!"

I jumped. "What Papa?"

"I got just the thing perfect for her," he announced. "Ella dear, it might take this old man a whole day to save her."

"I understand. I'll bring you something for you to grub on while you work."

"Thank you, child," he put on his large lenses creating his enormous eyes through them. "Grace, it's time to get to work."

The bear made a sound in respond. I smiled taking my leave so Papa can get started saving another life. I wonder what crazy idea he has to save that girl without arms would be? How will he restore them back?

Papa is full of surprises.

I head to the kitchen to make tea for him during his medical procedure.

What is a girl doing dress as a male warrior? Do her comrades know of her gender? What did they think? Were they angry?

So many questions are eager to be answered. I wanted to know anxiously base on the same situation when I had to lie to Matt that I was Danielle's twin brother.

I'm way beyond anxious. Becoming more impatient. When is Papa going to be finished?

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・⚜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


I almost spilled the tea cup when the sound of Papa's scream had me jump with fright.


Quickly made my way down the steps to his lab, I dash myself in such worries.

"Now, now, calm down dear," Papa hid behind Grace who's looked angry at the fallen female warrior who held her sword at them.

"Who are you?" Yelled the female warrior, angry yes, and frighten. "What did you do to me?"

"I-I just-"

"Answer me!"

I huffed taking a step in front of Grace and Papa, hands on my hips. "Would you please tone down a bit."

"Who are you?" She asked me.

"My name is Ella, this Papa and that's Grace."

"Where am I?"

"In a cottage close to the Dark Abyss mountains."

She scanned around before asking more. "Why am I here? And what did that troll do to me?"

Papa snarled, his mustache vibrated. "I have you know I'm no troll, I'm a dwarf." He announced before hiding back.

"Papa, not helping." I turned back to the female warrior. "To answer your question, you're here because he saved your life. Almost lost your soul to the other side. You're going to kill a man who'd brought you back from a near death experience?" Her face are full of questions of her action and behavior.

She stares at me as if studying me. Then easing her sword down, she pulled a calmer face but looked lost.

"I know you're afraid and doesn't know how you survived. When Grace and I found you, you had no arms."

The lady warrior gazed down at her arms and had realized her arms at the back. She gasped shockingly dropping her sword as it clank to the floor. Amazed by her arms and hands in one piece. "How can this be? I remembered them was cut off during the battle."

"That's because Papa helped you with his scientific procedure to gain new arms and hands," I said, with a smile flashing to the small old man hiding behind a giant Enchantia bear.

"How?" She whispered. "This impossible."

"Sometimes you would think that, but it's possible." I implied. "He saved me once. I fell off a high cliff with broken bones. If it weren't for him, I would no longer be able to walk. Now, look at me." I twirl myself around, my dress swirl in sync. She didn't look surprised yet gazing at her newly form arm. I'm still wondering how Papa actually pulled it off. I never see him at work because he was too secretive but there must be somehing for him to accomplish this operation. 

"I know you have lots of questions, so do we," I continued. "Papa and I will answer everything you ask."

"How long have I been asleep?"

"A day," answered Papa, out from hiding no longer in danger. "Shorter than Ella here. Took her more than a day to recover. You child recovered faster."

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Mei-Li Hua."

"Nice to meet you Mei-Li." I smiled, linked my arms to hers. I felt her arms tense and with strength. She sure is a warrior. "Come, let's have something eat before Papa clearly explains how you survive his wacky experiment. Still curious what he used on you?"

"They aren't wacky, I'm saving lives here." He pouts, then I laughed as I dragged Mei-Li upstairs to the kitchen.

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