Chapter 35

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For a long rocky road towards the great willow tree. Papa was getting antsy so suddenly reaching our destination.

"Priscilla!" He cried out, angrily. "Priscilla! I know your hiding you vexing fairy. Come out this instant." He demanded.

I never seen father look so angry before especially in a critical situation. He would shout at his unfinished invention but the was beyond anger. More worried and frightened.


As he called out again, an glowing orb came from behind the willow tree floating in the air. Mei-Li was close to pulling her sword out but I kept her from doing so.

"You finally showed yourself, you cunning fairy," Papa said to the glowing orb. "Now transform to your original form so I can talk to you."

Then a bright flash of light quick as the light on a candle form a person Ravena describe her to be. My eyes grew wide standing in front of a beautiful fairy with an illuminating white glow like the moonlight and no wings as Mother describe them in her stories. Aren't they supposed to be a size of a leaf? This fairy has the size of human. I became speechless.

"Franklin," her voice sounds smooth and rich. "Long time no see, how many years was it? 80?"

"Already insulting me because you fairies don't age faster than we dwarfs."

"Now, now I'm not here to fight about our age. Although, if you are-"

"I'm not here to argue with you Priscilla," Papa said firmly. "I'm here because your help with the humans will soon cause great damage in this kingdom."

"Whatever are you talking about?" She crossed her arms.

"Didn't you help a woman name Ravena?" He asked.

Priscilla did the same thing that Papa with his chin to think. But with the fairy she tap her chin. "Ah! Yes, the desperate in love woman. She simply asked a love spell from me in return for her to collect mushrooms."

"What item did you cast it on?"

"Her pendant that she adore."

"Do you remember what it looked like?" He continued to ask.

"All I remember that it was a simple pendant with a purple gem shape like a water droplet," now she's becoming more antsy from too many questions. "Why are you asking so much? I thought we agreed to do our own business helping humans. I do my magic and you do your whatever science experiment." She scoffed. "By the way, any of your method worked?"

"Did you know what kind of pendant that woman have?" He ignored her last question.  Papa was practically yelling. The fairy shook her head as if she doesn't know. "That pendant was from Shakran, the kingdom of lost."

"Why are you getting angry for?" She pouted.

"Because you woman! That pendant you cast upon is cursed and adding more magic, including white magic would break the seal that hold the most ruthless and dangerous dark magic that ever existed."

The fairy shaped her mouth into a circle. "That bad?"

"Yes it's that bad! Didn't you learn anything from your fairyland?"

"My people don't talk about dark magic. It's forbidden." She said.

Papa scowled and rubbed his face in irritation. "If you can't tell us about the pendant then how can we save the kingdom." He pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a heavy sighed. "Is there a way for us to learn of the pendant?"

"I have to talk to Soren, another fairy." She said. "He the keeper of the Archives. He probably would have answers. But it won't be easy for me to gather as much information."

"Alright," Papa then turned his eyes to us. "Once we know the magic of it we will prevent that necklace to be used its dark magic."

"The wedding is in five days," I told him. "How are we going to going to stop Ravena? She already ruined my life I don't want Matt's family to have the same fate."

Papa took my hand as I looked down at him. "It will be alright, you can stop her. After all, she trust you. Stay in character before you can reveal everything she had done."

I nodded understanding his words. I felt a sudden stare, no a glare when Priscilla were in between us. I jumped at her sudden appearance before us.

"I guess your into this type, Franklin?" She implied of my age, but I frowned.

"Priscilla, Ella isn't what you think she is." He told her.

"I'm standing here witnessing your closeness and touching her hand." She put her hands on her hips, and pout. "You were never affectionate towards me before."

I snapped my eyebrows up and Mei-Li's mouth opened wide. She and I are thinking the same thing at what we are both seeing with our eyes.

"What about her?" She pointed at Mei-Li. "She looked like she's your type. Aren't you into beautiful brave female warrior?"

"Priscilla, enough." Papa demanded, firmly with a solid voice as a warning. "This was the reason why we don't work out between us. You easily get jealous over a human girl that I would come across with."

"Because they are easily to talk to," the fairy snapped. Her moonlight glow changed into a ruby red representing the emotion of anger. "Where was I? You never talk to me the way you talk to humans. Is it because they are prettier than me?" I arched a brow at her assumption. "Or is it because I'm a fairy and your ashamed to be around me because I age slower than you. I'm one-hundred eighty years old. I don't look a day older."

She's really conceited about her age and looks. I just had to hide my laugh before I'm caught by her. I need to remember not to anger a fairy.

"You think your old? I'm two-hundred years old." Papa returned at her. Mei-Li and I gasped surprised at his age. "I'm grew white hair because of you. such an handful. You use your magic to harm the innocent because they were too kind to me. What I'm supposed to do? Not helped them?" He grunted. "I couldn't stand your nagging."

"My nagging?" Priscilla body began to increase her anger as red, orange and yellow glow the same of flame in a fireplace. "You dare say I nag! Franklin you-"

When she raised her hand above her head and created a large fireball swirling and burning ready to aim at Papa. When she threw it letting out an angry growl. The fireball faster than a horse galloping through the woods was ready to hit Papa. I quickly jumped in before Mei-Li could. I crossed my arms blocking the fireball as it pushed me hard back but I stand my ground.

Once the fireball disappeared like air. I felt my arms burn but soon felt the cold chill of the Enchantia crystals as it restore my skin. I glared at the wide eye fairy who's has her silver glow back.

"I don't know what happened to you and Papa," she gasped once I called Doc. "But it's best to talk it out and not be physical putting one at harm."

Priscilla, left her eyes wide staring at me closely. Studying me. She disappeared and flashed before me as we see eye to eye. I blinked, standing brave. I wasn't scared of no fairy. Especially, one who's has temper.


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