Chapter 20

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Mei-Li and I decided to take a fresh wash at the river before we could head to the city for some exploring and have her familiarize the kingdom.

"Danielle?" She asked. "Eli? How are you going to keep up with the charades, sister?"

She finds this quite amusing. Very amused that I play two different people. I told her about my encounter with Matt and his background, also lying to the gentleman that I couldn't bare to face him.

I splashed my face. Mei-Li stroke her arms, swimming around. "I don't know."

"Why don't you tell the truth?"

"You don't think I tried," I released heavy air. "I get choked up seeing him in person and the lies continues to grow bigger and bigger. Mother told me lying can hurt a person, it's would be wise to tell the truth."

"You've should have listen and tell the truth," she said, pulled her long Raven hair over her shoulder washing them clean.

I sprinkled water over my arms and neck, then my hair. Looking at my reflection in the water, I thought about Matt.

"Someone is thinking about a certain prince," Mei-Li chorused. I lightly splashed water at her.

"Don't tease, my amphibian sister," I mocked. "Soon, a gentleman will sweep you off your feet."

"I don't think that's possible."

"And why not?" I demanded.

She dipped her head underwater before rising up, wiping her face. "Because, I'll be on armor and if he's smart enough not to carry a lady with a sword."

"Are you saying that because you are a warrior, no man would ever be fond at you as a woman?"

"No man can ever be fond a lady who can beat at his own game."

I rolled my eyes but grinned. Feeling sorry for one man who finds a very brave female who can fight her own battles rather than a man do it for her.

Unlike her, I would dream of a man and believe to be the one for me. He would whisk me away from the dark I've been kept hidden for so long under Ravena's watchful eyes. I dream of dancing with him at the ball as we gazed into each other eyes. Mother said that when you dream it would come true, if you believe. And I did. That certain thing happen, meeting Matt.

"I pray for him," I said, going back to our conversation.

"Pray for me instead," she countered. I laughed. She counterattack me with water as I returned back at her.

We continued to throw water at each other until she stopped.

"Mei-Li?" Moved closer to her. Her focus was at the forest. "What's wrong?"

"Someone is watching."

"What?" I pulled myself down under water covering my naked body. "Do you know where?"

Mei-Li didn't seem to be concerned that her naked body is flashing. "I don't know but I could smell them." Using her sense ability.

"Them?" I frantic, almost shriek. What in gods name would ever peek at maidens taking their bathes?

"Stay here."

The moment she said that, she went underwater leaving me alone. Using my arms to cover more of my body, I waited for her return.

"Mei-Li?" My eyes wondered through the forest. It was quiet. The sun bright in the sky. I made a move out of the river to grab my clothes.

Reaching for my gown hung over the arm of the tree, with the boar fur turned to a blanket. Held to hide my body.

"Mei-Li?" I called out to her instead. Where did that female warrior go?

As I took my gown, a hand tap firmly on my shoulder and with the moves I learned from Mei-Li grabbed the culprit's arm and swung him over my head, slammed him to the ground hear a loud "Oomph!" I sat on top of him with a crystal dagger formed from my arm aiming at the neck.

I gasped. Realizing who I'm sitting on top of.


"You Norwood siblings sure are skilled taking down an enemy so easily," he praised and commented. Then his eyes laid on my naked body.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, jumping off from him and immediately grabbed back the blanket.

"My apologies, Danielle," covering his eyes. He seems to be frantic from seeing my bare body visible to his eyes.

I can't believe he saw me naked. I clinched the boar fur closer to cover mostly my body.

"Matt, what are you doing here?" I asked, and surprised he's here.

"I came to see you," his voice, gentle and joy.

That made my beating heart two times more than before. He came to see me. Hopefully not with my clothes off.

"Well, you came at an inconvenient time." Hugging the blanket tighter.

"Again, I'm deeply sorry."

I couldn't be mad at him since he's genuinely apologize. I'm happy he's here. My mind somehow couldn't forget his gorgeous smile, his ocean blue eyes and raven hair. To me he's more than just a prince but a man with pride and respect. The future king of Enchantia, I presume.


Matt and I looked behind me to see Mei-Li with her dagger at the bridge of Lucas's neck, captured.

"Who are you? And who do you work for?" She asked him in demand as he was a spy.

"Please fair maiden, I beg to ask your friend to spare my life," sounding desperate and I need of help by the sound of his voice.

"Mei-Li, let him go."

"But he spied on us." She snapped, not releasing Lucas. "And saw our pure maiden body. I need to pluck his eyes out."

Lucas flinched and winched. He gave me a look to aid him for help.

"It's alright," I said. "Just a misunderstanding."

She didn't obey, until I warn her again to let go. She groaned that her dagger was very close cutting some flesh. She released her grip off Lucas, who began to take in air.

Lucas seemed to find his voice. "Never in my life met a woman who can sneak attack on me with a dagger at my throat." He gave Mei-Li a wink. "You are the first."

She rolled her eyes, grabbing the rest of her clothes. "So, this man must be Matt." Glancing at Matthias.

"It's nice to meet you, M'lady," Matthias bowed. "I'm Matthias, and the man over their is my brother Lucas." He too bowed, but had his eyes on Mei-Li.

I smirked, she snarled. "Not funny."

"I didn't say anything," I lied, but kept smiling. I didn't say that I warned her earlier.

Before I could have a proper chat with Matt, I changed into my gown. Hiding behind a large tree, preventing the two men glancing at me.

Twisted my hair, removing the water while I think about Matt's sudden visit. He came over to see me. Me as in Danielle and not Ella. I've already seen him since his nightly ride through the forest that day.

I came out of full view and walked towards them. I felt the eyes of Matt paste on to me. Oh my, the butterflies in my stomach is happening. What should I do?

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