Chapter 51

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Now it was my turn to stand before the King. I told him everything from the beginning to the end. Told him that a doctor, who is now my adopted father took me in and saved my life using the Enchantia crystals. The king was stunned that I survived such experiment. Then I told him everything that Ravena had done to me and everything I did for her.

"How come you didn't come to me for help?" Asked the King.

"I was scared," I admitted. "Scared and weak to even stand up to Ravena. Even if I did  come to you, your majesty, that wouldn't solve anything. It means I wouldn't face her myself."

He nodded, brushing his black with hint of grey and white beard. "You sure have your mother's courage, also her kindness." He rose from his throne. "Your mother was loved by all people who knew her. No parents, no siblings and the only grandfather who raised her has not complain how her life isn't complete. That's until she met your father."

The memories of my parents showing their affection to one another had me blush but smiled happily that the two people who I cared and love had taught me the meaning of their devotion and support.

"Tell me again Ella, who's your papa?"

"Oh he's-" I turned my head to find Mama and Papa gone. I looked at Mei-Li, she shrugged. "That's weird, they were just here."

That's when the door burst opened. Mama walked towards us while Papa is inside a floating bubble banging it and begging to get out.

"Mama? What's going on?" I approached her.

"Your father is being stubborn and won't stay in the castle any longer."

"Why?" I frowned.


"Don't tell them anything, Priscilla," Papa voices was muffled inside the bubble.

She placed her hands on her hip. "Then you tell her. Because I find this child's play."

"What are you two talking about?" I asked, can't confused. Is this another argument before they grew apart.

"Small man over here hates it here in the castle, because-"

"Because of me," The King cut Mama off and stood next to me. "Hello, Franklin. Long time no see."

Papa made a hmph. Crossing his arms and turning his body away.

"Franklin," Mama swat Papa in the head. "Talk to the boy. Hello William, you've grown so much." She said in joy.

"Like wise to you, Priscilla. Still beautiful and young as I remembered." Mama blushed. Then he turn his attention to Papa. "Franklin," the king called out Papa's name. "I know you are still angry with me for banishing you to the forest."

Banished? Papa was banished?

"I would have never thought the young William to see again for 23 years." Said Papa, didn't sound happy. "You were but seventeen when I left."

"Franklin, I must apologize the way I behaved in such a manner about my father. I thought you-"

"Betrayed you?"

Betrayed? Now what is going on?

"Willie, I would never harm you and your father." Papa's face fell. "I tried my best to heal your father but the procedure failed which the element couldn't accept his body because it was a fake." He didn't seem mad anymore. "You thought I killed your father because I worked for an enemy kingdom. Just so you know Enchantia is my home. Those Thorine Kingdom scumbags are the lowest of the lowest. I would never work for them even if they offer me much gold."

"I'm sorry, Franklin," now the King felt guilty. "I should've trusted you. I know I shouldn't blame you for my father's death. I learned the truth when we caught the criminal. A spy from the Thorine Kingdom."

While Papa is still in the bubble, he walked as if he's floating making the bubble spin leading straight to the king.

"You are a great man, Willie. You were doing what a future king would do. You love your father and I understand that. I should apologize for mistaking and not seeing what's real or not." Papa stick his hand out from the bubble. "I say we should make amends, my boy,"

The king arched a brow at the name Papa called him. "I'm King now, Franklin."

"Boy, you may be king I'm still older than you, have respect." He humphed, but smiled.

The king too smiled and took the hand shaking it to make amends.

So, what I've see is that the King knew Papa. Is that the reason why Papa is staying at the small cottage next to the Dark Abyss mountains? I guess the reason for his banishment and not wanting to entered the castle the night of the ball explains why. Papa had never mention his banishment. It's as if I thought he lived there for a long time to have peace and quiet.

"Now, Ella," the King turned back his attention to me. I swallowed hard. I realized he haven't given me the punishment for locking him up. "Though you put me out and lock me in my own closet. Do you have anything to say before I give your punishment?"

"Um...well, you see..." I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I had no choice your highness, it was the only way to stop Ravena marrying to you. To save you, your family and the kingdom. I humbly apologize, truly I am."

To save the kingdom and the man I love, I had to put the King out cold and impersonate him to make Ravena confessed. It was the only way, and the only way we planned.

"Lying to the Prince Matthias, locking me up, impersonating me, destroyed the church...those crimes lead to a life time in the dungeon."

I flinched, but had not said a word. Papa wanted to say something, but I prevent him from doing so.

"It's alright, Papa, I'm fine."

"But Ella, you don't deserve this."

I smiled, said no words to response his. I puffed my chest and held my head high. "I'm ready your highness, give me the worst punishment you set your mind to it."

"Worst punishment?" he said, arching a brow. He seems amuse.

"Yes, your majesty," I bow my head, closing my eyes and waited for him. I had my ears clear and open.

"Well then," he began. "Since you are willing to accept any punishment for all that you've done. I have two punishments for you to accept."

"Yes, your majesty. I'll do anything."

He made a small moan and cleared his throat. "For all you will witness as I decree the punishment for Eleanor Alethea Ashford, that she would wed my eldest son, Prince Matthias and give me my first grandchild to this day forward."

I slowly rose my head, with wide eye and my mouth open as I am stunned at the King's decree. He gave me a wink and smiled so cheerfully.

"Don't think I noticed the way my son looks at you, especially when you disguised as your mother," he chuckled at my surprised expression. "You and your mother surely do have that unique charm capturing honorable men."

No words came out. I stood there frozen, but my heart still moves on it own.

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