Chapter 4

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The loud sonic and shaky sound got me away from my irresponsible action losing Mother's glass slippers.

I dashed out of the room and stood in the center of the cabin. Searching for where that loud sound was coming from I smell smoke as it became visible to my eyes.

There I found an open door on the wooden floor from where the smoke was coming out.

I made myself down the steps slowly, covering my mouth from inhaling the smoke. I cough to clear my throat from inhaling when entering.

"Blast it!"

My attention turns to Doc who stands on a stool. His back was in front of me as he works on something in front of him and mumbling as he complained about it.

"I can't seem to get the machine to work...again."

Looking around at what it appears to be an underground workshop with tools, a messy desk, heavy equipment functioning with weird color liquid bubbling.

I approach the little doctor when at the corner of my eyes spotted a giant furry and lazy brown bear lying on its cushion.

I squealed loudly at the site of the bear.

"Oh!" Doc turned with his face covered in black powder all over. "Finish with the soup."

Backing away, I stuttered. "T-t-t-here's a-a-a b-bear!!"

Doc looks to where the bear laid; his face looked calm.

"Don't be fright Ella, that's Grace," He claimed. "She won't bite unless you take her honey."

"That's Grace?" I said.

"Yes," jumped off the stool. "You thought Grace was human?"


He chuckled, patted the giant bear. "No, my dear. Grace is an Enchantia bear, very rare. She's the only one of her kind. Found her when she was just a size of a newborn puppy. Sad her mother wasn't alive anymore."

Grace felt comfortable and liked the way Doc petted her behind her ears.

"Enchantia bears are known to be very calm creatures and said that they bring good luck." He continued, "and since they are rare and treasured, poachers will do anything to get their hands on their fur and claws."

"Why?" I asked.

He then heads to his messy desk with large stacks of books and papers. "Their fur are very soft and can keep you warm all winter, especially in a cold climate. As for their claws, they are very sharp and very dangerous. Claws are crystallized to break anything solid like your glass slippers."

I snapped my head and practically screamed when mentioning the glass slippers. "You know where are my Mother's glass slippers?"

He didn't answer but smiled at me.

"Did you know that those glass slippers you possessed are composed  with the claws of the Enchantia Bears.?"

I shook my head.

Why isn't he avoiding my question?

"Well, they are. It's a reason why poachers kill these innocent and gentle creatures is because of their claws. Sell them for a high price, much more precious than gold." Doc pulled out a large book open to the section of a chalk sketch of crystals shape into claws. "These are what the any greedy poachers want. They are indestructible and very light to hold, yet they can quickly destroy a building."

I looked down. My expression changed. I was astonished after learning of what the materials the glass slippers was made out of, but I lost something important to me.

"Ella?" Doc called my name. "Something the matter?"

"I lost my Mother's glass slipper." A single teardrop slides down my cheek. "I lost something very precious to me, and it's the only thing closest to my parents I owned.  I-" my voice croaked. "I...lost everything."

I slump myself rudely without asking to seat on Doc's large chair. I flinched feeling a cold touch from Grace's nose. First, I was scared that a huge bear stays here, but this giant bear wouldn't harm just anyone. Through her silver-Crystal like eyes the one that shines the same way as the glass slippers with a hint of blue and green. Without precautions, I hug Grace around her neck, buried my face in her soft and warm fur. She purred moving closer to sit next to me.

"Quite a bond." I looked up to find Doc's smiling face. Looking confused at his statement.

I sniffled.

"Ella, you didn't lose the glass slippers."

"But I can't find it," I said, wiping the tears away. "I held it tight when I fell from the cliff."

"It's here." He smiled.

"Doc, why do you keep smiling like that?" I spoke in a very rash voice, almost impatient. "Where is my Mother's glass slippers?" I gritted my teeth, angrily.

He didn't flinch at my hard tone of a voice but just walk towards me calmly and with his finger pointed to my arm.

When I looked at the direction, I squealed and fell off the chair. I watch both my hands and arms covered with the same shimmering crystal of the glass slippers. It replaced my skin color that I can see right through my arm.

"W-what is happening to my arms?" I frantic, while rubbing it off but it was stuck. Permanently.

"Enchantia crystals," He whispered in awed.


"I can't believe it worked"

"What worked?" Confused in my voice and hysterically panicking. "Doc, my whole arm is not my arm. Why is it like this?"

"Ella, take it easy."

"I can't calm down. Why are my arms like this?"

"Ella, just relax." He ushered me to sit on the chair. "There's nothing to be afraid of."

"Doc, my skin is-"

"I know," cutting me off. "It's only the minor side effect. The procedure will get used to your body until you can control it."

"I don't follow you," confused and scared. "What procedure? Control? Doc, what did you do to me? And where is my mother's glass slippers?"

Doc smiled happily like he won money from a contest. He approached my abnormal arm and brought it up to his eye level.

"My dear, your glass slipper had never disappeared," He said. "It's right here with you."

I didn't catch what he meant, but as soon I'm calm and no longer upset I gave another look at my arms. They are the same crystal material as mother's glass slippers. The bright shimmer and glass glittering in front of your eyes.

I gasped.

Looking up at Doc he nods with a huge smile on his face.

"This can't be,"I whispered. "Mother's glass slippers are...inside me?"

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