Chapter 15

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Why won't he leave? 

Don't they know that dark creatures lurk in the night especially the  Borkis. Savage beast that only comes during the night to look for their midnight snack. Papa warned me about them before I venture out in the night. I fought with them whenever I can to get away from the cabin. Papa' anti-Borkis doesn't have much effect if your hanging up a month old socks that hasn't been washed, and he won't let me because he said he is in the middle of a experiment. I don't want to ask what it is because I'm in no interest to know. 

Matt stood there with the expression of an no mood to fight with me since he has been injured. Angry to be exact.

Before coming here, I was cleaning the dishes, when I heard a loud scream here in the forest. I went out to look for myself, shielding myself.

That's when I saw lots of angry and hungry Borkis attacking Matt and his brothers.

They were having a hard time, and I would place my hand over my frighten heart to see Matt fight those things. Borkis are too strong for them to kill them. It would take probably two men against one. With a few down, the Borkis decided to ware them out.

Then my heart was stuck in my throat as I watched Matt ran towards one with his sword but was toss down.

I love all animals, but these creatures are dangerous and out of control. That's when I jump in and saved him and everyone else killing them one by one. It's a first for me to kill them. I dislike the idea of killing and look at blood.

"If you don't leave now," I argued. "Then those things will come back."

"My brothers and I will leave, if I get an answer from you," he held his side, where the injury took place.

What is he curious about? Does he know who I am under this cloak?

"Ask away."

"Who are you really? And what is your relationship with Danielle?"

Danielle? My relationship? I'm the same person but acting as a male hunter right now since he assumed I am.

"You have the same color eyes as Danielle." He continued.

What should I do? I can't tell him I'm actually Danielle he knows. It will ruin my disguise.

"You seem to be tense, your highness?" I mocked him given a scoff of laughter. Oh why am I doing this? "Why is it so important to questioned Danielle and I relationship?"

"Just answer the question!" He barked, and I jumped at the tone of his voice. 

He's never going to give up, is he?

"Easy, brother," one of the prince who I believe is called Brendan. "He's not going to give you direct answer if you behave like this."

"He's right," said the one with lenses, pushing them back up.

I let out a heavy sighed. "Danielle is my sister," another lie. "We are twins." 

Double lie. 

I couldn't help myself.

His face relax the signed of relief as if his tension fell from his face. "So, that's why you two have the same eye color?" I nodded. It's it obivious. "It's no wonder you are a highly train skilled fighter. I would never see an elegant lady like your sister to fight off twenty or more Borkis."


Matt is a gentleman at his words, but commenting about a woman not able to fend for herself is insulting. I had to chuckle awkwardly. 

"Why hide your face? Surely you look like your sister."

How can I explain that is Eli and Danielle are the same person - me.

"The lower part of my face was burnt and left a scar." One lie after another. I'm truly very sorry Mother. "I had to wear a mask to hide it."

"I see," then Matthias with his injured side walked towards me and extended his arm out for a shake. I took it as he gave me a hard shake. "I think we need to properly introduced ourselves, I'm Prince Matthias of Enchantia. These are my brothers; Lucas, Brendan, Raj, Eugene and Nicolas."

So, it's true. One year apart, with different mothers when all of them passed away. I lowered my head, to pay respect. "Nice to meet you, your highnesses'. I'm Eli Norwood."

"Please to meet you," he grinned but fade when he hissed at side.

"I think it's time to go," Nicolas, whom is the only one wearing lenses said to his brother.

"We need the doctor to look at your wound, brother," a worry look on Raj's face appeared.

"Alright, it's nice meeting you Eli," Matt smiled, genuinely at me.

My body froze, but my heart is still alive.

"I was on my way to see your sister and that she', but I guess she is that your there to protect her."

With that said, Matt and his brothers bid their goodbyes. Found there horses on the way and galloped home.

He turned his head and smiled again, I tilt my head down, sending him off.

I gave him another false name, and a false identity. Mother doesn't have a brother, I made this one up. Admittedly, this lying isn't getting nowhere to reveal my true self to the prince. One lie after another, it just getting into more trouble.

With the dead Borkis on the ground, my hands filled with blood. I whistled summoning Grace to help me carry them off giving them a burial though not needed, but I don't want them to decay in the forest.

After that was done, Grace and I head towards the river a route to the cottage when I spotted a figure in the night on the other side. It looked like a person but wasn't moving.

Curious and suspicious a tad bit, I lead myself to get a closer look.

It maybe dark, but the moon is giving out enough light to see. I crouched next to the unconscious body, Grace behind me also curious what fish brought on land.

This looks like a warrior, base in the armor and dragon design in the breast plate, it a symbol from another kingdom. A sword lay next to the fallen soldier too has the same symbol of a dragon but differently designed. Now where have I seen that before.

Examining the body, I gasped with wide open eyes, this soldier is missing his arms. It's been cut off. Blood everywhere, he must of been at war and fallen into the river that circles from one kingdom to another and ended up here. Neverending River extended all over each country with an neverending cycle. That is how the river receive it's name. The river is also a pathway for the Grand High Society to pass through and check on each kingdom if there are any mishap or havoc that needed to be dealt with. 

I put two fingers at the side of the neck they way Papa does when checking my heart. "I have a heartbeat."

Lifting this person at ease over my shoulder, holding the sword in one hand. "Come Grace, let see if Papa can help."

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