Chapter 14

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Heard my brother cried out for me, while I tried to push this massive beast off.

The edge of my sword blocks it from snapping my head off. His large sharp teeth ready to pierce through my skin was to close of a call to be dead early. 

"Get off me you, fowl monster," I grunted, using all my strength to kick this one off of me. "A little help here."

"Busy at the moment, brother," Eugene returned, and grunted, punching with his fist and killed one. "These cats sure are easy to kill."

"Easy for you to say," Raj said in a huff, as he swing his sword hitting the stomach of his attacker.

"There's too many of them." Nicolas cut one and kicked another.

I kicked my opponent as well, knocking him on his back as I pierced my blade into his body. "Finally..." I weaved, until another one took the dead one's place. "We need to huddle up."

"We can't. The horses all ran off." Brendan said, catching his breath. His back contacted mine. "What should we do, Matt?"

A Borkis lowered its body in an attack position, flashing its teeth at me for killing his friend. I should be scared; they are here to kill us. Why can't we do the same?

"I'm losing my breath here," again, Lucas whined joining us.

"I'm the same," Nicolas, then Raj and Eugene had our back against each other. Catching our breath easing our beating heart. Formed a defense strategy. Swords in our hands we attack.

We've killed a few, but it seems as if there are more.

"Enough of this," I broke out of the circle and charged one of them. Avoiding each of its claw at me with my sword as a shield.

"Matt! Look out!"

I was busy with the Borkis in front of me, it was too late to turn when another knocked me down and dropped my sword.

I groaned, sitting up but a sting from my side spilled blood through my clothes. Two Borkis coming my way, and my sword is a foot away. My brothers were occupying themselves with the other Borkis. With all my might, dragging my injured self reaching for my sword. The two in front of me began to charge.

"No! Matthias!" Hearing my brothers cry, as I closed my eyes realizing this the end for me. I fought many battles and won plenty, along side my brothers and trusted men. But this was different, I'm dealing with large damn cats who won't give up until we are dead.

Waiting on the ground, lying, my heart wanted out from this raging fear I had to cover it from the Borkis to hear my fear of them. I waited for them to drag me down. Until, they yelp. I opened my eyes quickly and witness two Borkis kicked hard against a tree.

I snapped my head up to find the mysterious stranger standing in front of me. He gazed down at me with his crystal eyes.

Why is he here?

Then the moment cut off when two more Borkis head toward us. "Watch out!"

A blink of an eye, he kicked not one but two of them with his leg sending them off the way he did with the other two with such strong legs and strength.

"Matt," Raj bent down next to me. "Are you alright?"

I ignored my brothers worries as they crouch besides me while I watch in awe at the stranger's epic fight with the Borkis.

"I've never seen anyone who can take on a dozen of Borkis," Brendan commented, "he is putting Gene into shame, and you call yourself a warrior and general."

"Neither can I," replied Eugene. He's even more fascinated that someone who is much stronger than he was fighting the creature. Until he recalls the last comment from Brendan, "Wait, what did you say?" 

Lucas, Raj, and Nicolas were all snickering at Brendan's comment and Eugene's scowling face at him and gave our brother a severe attack blow of knuckle rubbing on his head while Brendan cries for mercy.

The fight wasn't over yet, the mysterious man choked a Borkis while it tries to bite his hand and with the sound of a snap, it stopped and drop to the ground.

My brothers and I gulped in a shock than fear. Another one came from his side, as the man duck placed his nail through the fur and instantly that Borkis died.

"How are they dying so easily?" Questioned Nicolas. I wonder about that too.

With four left, they formed a line standing in front of the man. At the same time, they tried to pounce on him two miss; the other two never got up. The last remaining two decided to circle the mysterious man in black. His eyes are darting at them; he didn't seem scared nor tired defeating 12 large cats.

Who is he? Really?

One Borkis attack in front while the other at the back. He ducked, grabbing one and threw it hard a bone cracked, as he killed the other.

The forest became quiet again, but mix to the silence, I heard the hard breathing of that man. He turned to me, locking me with those eyes. I tried to move but hissed.

"Let me see," the man was suddenly in front of my face. He carefully pulled up my shirt. Three large scratch embedded on my skin. "Here, this will heal but sting a bit."

I don't know what he was going to do, but as soon as I felt the cold touch, I cried in pain holding onto Raj and Brendan's hand. I gathered cold air into my lung to relax.

"You will be okay the next morning," the man walk off, but halt without turning back. "Next time, don't go riding at night. You may think you've got rid of the Borkis, but there are more where they came from."

What's up with this guy? 

Giving me such attitude, I'm grateful for his rescue, but he didn't have to be uptight about my nightly stroll just to see Danielle.

"Hey! Wait!" This time he listened to halt with his back facing me. Raj and Brendan helped me up slowly to ease my pain. "Who are you?"

"No need to know," he replied. I couldn't make out his voice since its muffled through his mask. "Just a man living in the forest."

"I'm Prince Matthias," pulling the prince card at him. "I asked who are you?"

He stood there in silence now filled the forest with a quiet atmosphere, a small gust of wind blew by. "My name is Eli," he turned. Even though he's a man, my heart somewhat fluttered. "Your highnesses' its best you leave this forest immediately, or I will have to force you to leave."

Is he giving me orders?

I'm of royal I should be the one giving orders whether it's safe to leave or not. I shouldn't allow a commoner demand us orders. 

"What right do you have to order us?" Asked Lucas who seems a bit tic.

"You may be princes of Enchantia, but this forest is passed the bordered between here and the beast kingdom. Means you don't have authority over here unless you wanted to fight off all the creatures in this forest than be my guess, but I won't be saving your asses again." He implied. "No other questions, it's better for you six to leave. Now."

"No," I stand my ground. No one, not even this man who calls himself Eli can order my brothers and me around just because larger feral cats have attacked us and showed off his incredible combat he wanted to flash his ego at us gave us one look at us he see us as weaklings. 

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