Chapter 38

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"Now, Eli," trying to calm the brother of the woman I deeply care for. "I need to talk to Danielle."

"You have no business here," I didn't even blink and already a blade at my neck had me hit against the wall of the tree. "Leave, or else I'll feed you to the Borkis."

Not this again. "Please, Eli," I begged, releasing a huff of breath. "Let me see Danielle."

"No, give me a good reason," he pulled the blade away. "You've already hurt her and I won't allow my sister to suffer any longer."

"I know I'm at fault here, but really I do care for her." More than care.

"Care?" He turned his Crystal eyes at me that shine under the moon above the sky. "If you care for my sister, why marry another?"

"I can't break what I've already given oath too," I told him.

"Then, I have no choice but to banish you from seeing my sister." He pulled out a sword I never seemed before with the same texture like his eyes and point it to where my neck is. "If you ever come to these parts of the forest, I will kill you despite your royal status."

"O-okay," I promised. Eli is very bold and serious. I want to see Danielle and explain but he's in the way and as a brother, he's doing his job to protect her from hurting.

So, I have to give up. I never want t fight with him and cause my relationship with Danielle even though she's gravely angry with me. I don't any of us get hurt and I will lose.

"Before I leave," Eli kept his sword up. "Can you tell Danielle, I'm sorry." I turn my feet heading to a different direction because I'm stupid had me ended up in a deep hole underground. "Ow!"

"Matt!" Eli's voice echoed through the dark hole. "Are you alright?"

I look up to see the midnight blue skies twinkled with stars. "I'm okay," I hiss when a jolt of pain sting my ankle. "I can't move."

"Are you hurt?"

"No, a sprain ankle," I called out.

"Hold on, I'll get you out." Then Eli disappeared.

"Okay, but hurry-" I paused once I heard a sizzling sound. There wrap around a stick, I began to panic. I'm a prince and a great swordsman but alone with a snake and a sprain ankle isn't the best way to get out plus I didn't have my sword with me. "Uh. Eli."

"Wait just a moment." I don't know what he's doing but he has to hurry.

"You better speed up a little bit."


"Because I'm not alone," the snake let out its tongue gliding a bit closer to me.

"Matt, don't move," Eli said.

"What do you think I'm doing? Having a friendly chat with it with tea to get the party going," I chuckled nervously because I'm scared. "Maybe you can grab some rats as it's appetizer."

"Can you shut up Mr. Prince-Sarcastic." Eli snarled. "That's a Black Crown snake, very deadly among other snakes beside the King Cobra, this one is a Demon. One bite and it can kill you instantly."

"Good to know, now can you get me out of here!"

"Man up," he told me. Did he just say- but I paused once the snake got closer to me, slithering and hissed. "I'm going to drop the vine and pull you up, can you do that?"

"What about him?" Motioning to the snake as it takes closer towards me.

"Just make sure you do make any sudden noises, a Black Crown smell fear and you are letting it out."

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