Chapter 53

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Eight Months later...

I smiled to myself, standing on the balcony of the bedroom in the castle. Staring at the bright sun, the clear blue sky and the sounds of music from the birds flying around on this beautiful day.

The royal wedding wasn't I expect it to be. It was held in the castle, inside the throne room since the church I destroyed was still being work on back to its original structure. There were to many holes and wall crack it would take a year or more to fix it.

Before the wedding, King William, who I now call Father had contacted Avalon's King to cancel the engagement between Matt and Princess Georgette. To our surprised it turned out, that the Avalon princess has someone she loves but could not be with. A knight and her bodyguard. I saw her with the man she loves attended our wedding. I'm happy for her and thank god.

I wore a very beautiful white silk and satin gown that length to be like a floating river, that sparkled under the shines of light. Mama added that to give it more, how she says it? Enchanting. Also I revealed a bit of my crystals upon my face to create a mask around my eyes and above my breast to give its fine look of diamond jewels. Mama also gave me another gift, another glass slippers the one she gave to my Mother. Same exact replicate except it just regular diamond crystals. Took her a while to make. But I loved it.

I was mostly stared from all the guest who presented at the wedding and can not believe their eyes. I was glowing myself, after all it is my royal wedding to the man who completes me. Nonhuman and all.

Staring into the man who my whole life knew as a baby is going to be my husband. Our first encounter was when we were just young. Never thought of encountering him again at the forest. I guess fate brought us together. Brought him to me. As we said our vows so much loving one another. End the seal with a kiss as promise to be together forever.

After the wedding, the reception was full of people it crowded the whole room. The people of Enchantia congratulated me for my marriage and saved the kingdom from destruction. They wanted me to be called Goddess instead a princess. But I think that's a bit going far from having such large title. Just being called Princess Ella and wife to Prince Matthias is perfect for me. Since the whole kingdom heard the news of my resurrection from the death was planned by Ravena the people I knew who used to work at my parents home attended the wedding and were so happy to see me alive and well. They were overwhelmed.

Since I married to Matt, I get to live in the castle and the Ashford estate will still be my property so, I decided to have Papa and the others to live there. With much bigger space and a better home. Papa declined at first but once he saw my Father's book from his trips around the world that tells of science and invention he had a change of mine. He brought all his equipment and used my Father's study room as his own. I didn't mind at all as long Father is happy that the house is full with life again. I asked Mei-Li if she wanted to live with me in the castle, quickly she refuse. She didn't explain what reason but I knew.

I grinned as I rubbed my large round stomach as it stretch my gown twice my size. I'm still wondering how a person like me who can summon crystals from my body can bare a fruit inside my stomach. I thought being nonhuman wouldn't allow such existence. I do remember, however during the reception Matt and I came up here and made love to each other the rest of the night without leaving the room. Papa and the others heard the good news they were so happy and excited hopefully to meet the new Prince or Princess.

I didn't hear the door open, but I heard it closed behind me and strong arms wrapped around my swollen belly, my back against hard rock chest and as I lay my head back on his shoulder.

I moaned with comfort.

"You should be resting, my love," Matt kissed the top of my head.

"I know, but I couldn't sleep on such a beautiful day." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked in concern of the baby growing inside me. "Is it the baby?"

I shook my head. "No, the baby is fine. I'm just thinking how it's possible for me to conceive one."

"Doc, said it is possible." He said. "Though your bones are made of crystals, parts of your body is still human."

"Still, I'm surprised." I turned my body around to face him. "What if I couldn't?"

"Then we can try again and again and-" I shut his lips with my fingers. He grinned and wiggled his brow. I chuckled, letting go of his lips. "Just think of it as a gift from Goddess Thalia for using the crystals against the dark forces. You are after all our savior."

"You may be right," I said. "I need to stop complaining and appreciate it."

"You should or else I would punish that mouth of yours for ever doubting yourself." I slapped his arm lightly, he chuckled.

He shifted my body in front to pull for our earlier embrace. His hands on my stomach with our child growing inside. He caress it gently.

"Who do you think we have? A Little Mouse or a prince?" He asked.

I giggled. "Who knows? I asked Mama to see to it but she doesn't know. But she smiled so widely and cheered happily yelling out, "I'm going to be a Grandma"."

"I can imagine." Said Matt. "Our child is going to be spoiled by her."

"Won't be that bad. Your Father is going to be worst."

He groaned, remembering all those harsh lessons he and his brothers had to endure. I laughed.

"At least our child has lots of uncles and an Aunt who's stubborn."

"It will give time, my love," he assured me. "My brother can be a big lady's man."

"That doesn't help at all," I whined. "I know Mei-Li likes him, she's just denying it."

"How do you know?" He lift a brow, amused.

"It's woman intuition," I said, and winked at him. "Besides, I don't know if she has someone already back at her country."

"You could ask."

"No, I don't want to be direct and rudely ask. Just need to give her time to think."

"It will work out," he told me. Gave me another kiss on the top of my head. "I'm sure she will realize it. Don't force her."

"Since when did I become such a dictator?" I asked.

He didn't say anything but caught my lips to mine giving me a different answer to erase what I asked. Such a sneaky man, my man, my husband and my everything. Soon we will have a bundle of joy and become a loving family the same way my parents and I had.

I could hear Mother and Father's sweet words through the wind that had me smiled widely. As if I cloud hear them clearly. kind...have courage.. And smile.

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