Chapter 26

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I've remembered feeling utterly happy and exciting when attending a kingdom event, especially in the palace.

Something tickling under my skin as I stepped out from the coach carriage with Papa as our coachman.

The gown perfectly fit, mask in place as I'm in my Mother's version of herself as a teen. I just stood there looking up at the tall castle of Enchantia. Walls white as a porcelain vase, line with gold pillars on each level, many tall windows, the front of the castle are filled with cut bushes shape into figurines and two sets of fountains on each side while you enter the castle.

"Wow, it's beautiful," Mei-Li awed the castle. "It's better than the one from my country. But I didn't love the lion looking statue in front."

Nervousness rushed through me. I could feel my body tense. The pacing of my heart increases. I was utterly nervous. Too nervous to move.

Mother, if you're up there. Guide me.

"Ella," she whispered, concerned of my tension. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I gulped. "Just a bit nervous. Tis all."

"Psst!" We both looked at Papa. "You two have fun."

"Are you sure you don't want to come, Papa?" I asked. "Prince Matthias officially invited you."

"No, it's quite alright," he said. "It's best if I stay here and wait. I don't think I'm much welcome here."

"But Father-" what does he mean not welcome?

He held his hand up, ceasing Mei-Li from begging. "Now go. I shall wait for you. Go, have fun."

Since that was his final words. He slapped the reins of the horses and took off. Taken a deep breath of cold air, the freezing wind wasn't tough but refreshing as I looked up at the moon wondering if Mother and Father are watching their little Ella attending the Ball on her own, with Mei-Li of course.

It's been a very long time I attended this type of event. Whenever the King would announce a Ball and inviting the whole kingdom. Ravena and her daughters would go while I get locked up in the attic, alone and sad. But now, I don't need to feel that way anymore.

I exhale uneasy air before gaining back as myself. "Okay, I'm ready."

Mei-Li gave a nod, as we walked side by side heading towards the castle with the rest of the invited guest who were dressed up so nicely and wealthy.

Once inside, Mei-Li and I mouth opened wide and eyes grew at the site of the most outstanding dance hall of the castle. I held her arm, admiring what a site. Everywhere is decorated in gold, the walls painted like the outside of the castle, frames of artwork everywhere and a brightly large chandelier hung over above us.

The orchestra played a fast melody, guest gathered in the dance floor dancing elegantly and gracefully. Just seeing such interior had my heart fluttered as a butterfly flies around in the sky. That what this inside me.

"Ow, you're hurting me," Mei-Li whispered.

I gasped, to my action released her arm. "Sorry, just nervous and exciting."

"Well, which one?"

"Both?" I giggled while she shook her head.

Stepping down the stairs, we were halt by the announcer. "Name?"

I looked at Mei-Li's eyes as she saw mine. Turned out attention to the announcer, I gave my Mother's name I used to fool the prince. "Lady Danielle Marie Norwood of Avalon and Lady Mei-Li Hua from the kingdom of Jin Empire."

He arched a brow and glanced down at the scroll checking if we gave false names that we weren't allowed to enter. Looking back up at us shifted his body and yelled loudly for everyone to hear.

"May I present, Lady Danielle Marie Norwood of Enchantia and Lady Mei-Li Hua from the kingdom of the Jin Empire," he repeated, then politely bowed for us to take the steps down the stairs.

I placed my hand over my beating heart. "I can't believe we entered. My heart felt like exploding out from me." I chuckled.

"I can't believe they have our names or else we wouldn't enter at all."

I nodded. Gathering much air inside and letting it go as a way to calm myself. "Okay, I'm perfectly at ease."

"I think you should stay jittery," Mei-Li said through her unmoved mouth.

I frowned and confused that when she moved her eyes, I followed in the direction that leads to many guests staring at us. There were much whispers and eyes gazing at two young girls invited to the ball in such beautiful gowns Papa had it made for us.

"Father wasn't jesting about our gowns," she said, keeping a smile.

"I don't think the gowns alone is what they are staring at," I said.

I tugged Mei-Li forward to avoid he moving eyes upon us, but they never looked away. Glad we were masks to hide our cherry rose face.

After the announcer called the last guest arrival. The music stopped and loud trumpets echoed the castle as they announced the Kings and the Princes arrival.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you your mighty King, King William the Third."

The guests all clapped upon arrival of our king. He was a man with pride and power. The ruler of our kingdom. He wore everything in gold, that he shines over us. His dark and grey hair reveals on his beard. I had a hard time looking him in the eyes as he stands on the balcony. But somehow, I sense loneliness and heartbroken. Then the announcers yelled the names of his sons.

"Welcoming the royal highnesses, the handsome sons of your king. The eldest; Prince Matthias, Prince Lucas, Prince Brendan, Prince Raj, Prince Eugene, and Prince Nicolas."

Another applauded filled the dance hall, many girls were swoon by the appearances of the Princes. Giggling and waving their handkerchief at them hoping to snag one of them.

I kept my eyes on Matt, who shine like the brightest star that I could never catch from the night starry sky. Then at that moment, he turns his gazed upon me. How did he find me surround by many other girls who want his attention? Also, I'm in disguise. Not myself but my Mother.

"I'm getting a chill," Mei-Li whispered, as I looked up and saw Lucas eyeing on her with a dashing grin. She growled lowly beside me. I chuckled softly.

Matt's eyes never left upon me. My heart began to get that flutter. It wants to be release and fly towards Matt. Able to reach a message to how much I deeply care and fallen for. And how handsomely he looked.

But was not possible because he's a Prince who would marry someday a Princess. And I'm just a lost butterfly wondering where she belongs.

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