Chapter 23

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The smell of roses in the morning filled my nose with such delight. Mother's roses sure are wonderful.

Out in the garden, just enjoying the sunny bright sky and the beautiful flowers. I completely was in my own little world. I sniffed slowly taking in the aroma from a rose. Danielle popped in my head.

Yesterday misunderstanding was a shock to me. She took me down as a defense if ever in danger. Should her brother be praise for having such a strong sister? Another smell from the rose, I smiled.

"See, my brothers," heard Lucas from a short distant. I guess he already informed the rest of my brothers that our prince title has been exposed. "He's gone completely mad."

"Madly in love," Raj corrected.

"I shouldn't talk behind your back brother," I returned. "It seemed you were smitten by her sister."

"She's smitten by me," he said, grinning. "No woman can get their hands off me."

"Yeah, if that woman wants to cut your neck off. But from the look on her face, she wanted to cut something else." My brothers laughed, made Lucas snarled.

Yesterday, I decided to go alone to meet with Danielle. But Lucas, who didn't come home last night met at the front gate. Sprayed with different perfumes that hurt your nose would lead to a nosebleed. He had gone to the brothels. Since he was out the whole night, to avoid Father's lecture he tagged along.

Lucas is one handsome man no doubt. Same blue eyes and sandy hair. He looked like me in some ways since after all the second born prince. But his personality is different. That goes for the rest of my brothers. He loves women too much that each one goes crying with a broken heart or comes back with a fur blanket and nothing underneath.

I've warned him not to mess with women too much, as he will soon be paying back with a full price, extra. He didn't care. He saw women as fragile beings and since he's not allowed to fall in love. He using that exception to mess with the females all the time.

"Did you invite your lady to the ball this Saturday?" Asked Brendan.

I caressed a rose as if I'm touching Danielle's soft features in my hand.

"I invited her," they looked at me. "She's coming."

"It's no wonder you've been smiling since this morning." Eugene said. "You're excited for the ball and Danielle."

I chuckled, left a smile on my face.

"This girl really got to you, brother," Nicolas pointed out.

I didn't say a word. I plucked one rose bringing up to my nose and inhale every scent through my nose. Sighing deeply.

"Well, I can't wait to meet our sister-in-law."

We all looked at Raj and his statement. Sister-in-law? Not possible. Though I wish, but with Father banning us from falling love I couldn't marry Danielle even if we just met a twice. She wouldn't consent to the idea of marrying someone she met. It's a reason I wanted to court her properly, get to know her before I announced my love for her.

Love? Yes! I'm falling for the woman so blindly that she's means everything to me. I'll catch stars for her if she wishes. Caressing her soft golden locks, trailing through my fingers, her soft lips meant to be kissed, and her face smooth as a porcelain walls of the castle. I could imagine embracing her perfectly match with my body as we twine in warmth and love.

Once I kiss those pink lips, I know I would be fallen under her spell. It began the first time I ever laid eyes on the gorgeous creature in the forest standing like a forest Goddess as she protects the animals around. In my mind told me to know everything about her. I've fallen hard, deeply bad.

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