Chapter 46

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Knocks on the door. "Your majesty, it's time to go and head to the church."

I flinched at a man's voice on the other side of the door. "I'll be right out."

Wow! I never knew sounding so powerful and deep can be exciting.

I opened the door after dressing myself. The real King William is lock in his closet. James, who've seen the day I saw him with Matt stood at the doorway.

Okay, I can do this. Act like a King.

"Ah, James, what do you think?" Gesturing the attire.

"You look handsome as ever, your highness," he said truthfully. "The Princes are already there at the church. Now they are just waiting for you, sire."

"Well, let's not have them wait for the main attraction," I chuckled.

I lead the way out of the castle and into the coach carriage as it drove to the only church of Enchantia.

Taking inhale and exhale breathing. I felt I wasn't ready to have Ravena confess her crimes. But to her her from marrying the king and be queen with that curse necklace around her neck. She would soon turned Enchantia from its light environment into a kingdom of darkness and evil.

We arrived at last as I glazed at the beautiful church that shines so brightly where the sun let's it light shimmer on its concrete smooth walls. The footman opened the door for me. I took a step out and taken one final air to ease my nervousness.

I'm ready this time.

The large doors open as I entered the church where full of the kingdom attended the event. The nerves were back again. Everyone stood and gave me a gesturing bow. I slightly nod my head walking straight to the altar. On my way I spotted Papa and Mama they wave lowly and I winked at them to let them know it's me as the King.

Impersonating the king was a bad idea that Mama thought of but for me to break off the wedding is be the groom.

Mei-Li was in position, she used the bouquet of flowers hiding her face from my two stepsisters weren't paying attention. The princes were also standing across from the girls. I have my eyes Matt, whom standing tall and looking as handsome as ever.

I shake my head. There is no time to fantasize. Stick with the plan.

Then as the music play the wedding song and as the door opened, Ravena stood there smiling in a way I felt a cold child running up my spin to the hairs on the back of my neck. She's not happy marrying the man but happy to marry for his wealth and power. Well that's not going to happen.

Disguise as the King I pulled a smile as if I'm happy. She walked toward the altar elegantly and gracefully giving the guests the chance to find her beauty astonishing. She approached me, pulled out a hand for her to grab and faced the priest to begin the ceremony. When it's time to exchange vows that when I'll have her admit.

"Dearly beloved, we gather here today to witness these two people in love in holy matrimony. Our great ruler of Enchantia, King William Aurelius the Third will wed Lady Ravena Wilcocks in this glorious day. If anyone objects please say it now or forever hold your peace." The church was silence, then the priest continued. "Now for your exchange in vows."

Ravena said in her vows how much she found real love from the King. Not real love, more like controlling his feelings. Then she mentioned to be a good wife and mother to the princes. She's was never both when married to Father. And lastly she said she will love the king for the rest of her life until she die. She will soon die if that necklace isn't off her neck.

"Your highness, it's your turn." Said the priest.

Now it's time. I grinned at Ravena as she smiled back waiting for the Kings loving message to her.

"My sweet, Ravena." Acting like the king himself. "You took my breathe away the first time I laid eyes on you. I thought I could never find love again after so many fails but being with you I regain back my confidence and prove myself to give another chance." I saw her sighed heavenly, now for the best part. "I love Ravena, but...I can't marry you."

Gasped echoed the church but Ravena's was louder. "Darling, what are you saying you can't marry me?"

"I can't," I said, "I fell in love with someone else."

The gasped continues. Ravena was looking a bit uneasy at the king's suddenly declaration.

"Darling, this must be a joke," she chuckled nervously.

"No, Ravena it isn't."

"Who is this woman you had laid your eyes on?" She gritted her teeth. I could see her face turn red.

I smirked. "Her name is, Danielle Norwood."

Raven's eyes grew wide as she took a step back as if she was struck by an arrow.

Let the games begin.

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