Chapter 6

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"Damn," I grunted, "I keep on missing." That was a good shot from where I'm standing at the target Doc made for me for practice shots with crystal darts.

A quiet yet loud snort came from the giant bear behind me. Grace rested her head on her paws with her eyes closed. Grace hasn't been much of a supporter, but I love the company.

"Hey Grace, do you think I was off?" I asked her, starting a conversation. While Doc is out strolling in the woods with his weird gadgets, it's just Grace and me.

Grace yawn loudly, her teeth sticking out and left a smack of her lips going back to sleep.

I rushed over her posting the same position as her on the floor. She lifts one eye open as I gave her smile. "Come on Grace, talk to me?"

Grace only turn her head.

"Are you that tired?"

No answer.

"Want some fish?"

That didn't budge her a bit. She loves to fish, especially salmon and vegetables. Not even the word fish or salmon had her kicking.

I pouted.

I laid myself on the ground, arms spread and stare above pass through the tall trees seeing the clouds moving slowly by the current. I've been living here so some time now, and I wasn't sure if Ravena had forgotten about me she is probably swimming with my parent's wealth and my stepsisters are enjoying the shopping money.

I can't believe it my own eyes. Ravena killed my father for her selfish greed. She probably killed her other husband for the money as well.

I remember when father took home Ravena that night as a guest with her two daughters. She had that poise and grace attitude had me respect her. And my father, with his eyes, lit the sparkle in his eyes means he had fallen heels towards her. Father told me he will always love my mother and the feelings will never change. I had no comment or complaint him having a new wife. And I've always wanted sisters to share and play with would be the best thing being the only child. It was a dream come true when my father would smile so simmering at Ravena as they said their vows of eternal love. I pledged to have what they had, but I could never get out knowing Ravena is still there.

The dream had become a nightmare. Dark and evil. I felt insecure the day Ravena showed her true colors. We had cooks and maids around the estate she had them fired because they were a nuisance to her. As for me, she had me do everything from day one. Serve her tea was the start of her enslavement contract to me. Clean the barn, cook the meals, laundry the clothes, and dress her two brats. When a letter States a grand party to any other of the nobles, Ravena would be there, with her two daughters, her attitude, and wealth, where was I? Home eating scraps off the leftovers having the time of my life.

The sweet and bright little I was turning into Ravena's personal maid. With her every beading I had I obey. When she throws her loud parties, I'm in the kitchen chained up not even allowed to attend. It would only save face for her to have a stepdaughter with dirt on her face and rags.

One time she hit me with a horse whip because her soup was too salty. I could still feel the touch of sharp pains on my back it still lingers there. Ravena stopped when my father asked what happened to my back. I lied to him saying falling off a tree the branch made a scratch.

Grace was breathing hard next to me as I reach to scratch behind her ear she tilt her head for a better access I chuckled.

Thinking about my terrible memories had me thinking of this fate. Meeting the Doc who saved my life and unexpectedly embedded my bones with my mother's glass slippers giving me such great abilities that would scare Ravena a runs to the hills.

But, I'm not violent or had hit anyone in my life. My mother told me fighting isn't the answers to all the problems you reason them with words.

I rose from the ground and dust away from the dirt and pull the leaves off my hair. "Okay, I'm going to give another try."

Positioning myself about 20 feet in front of the target. Shift my arms as it changed from flesh to solid object of simmering gems as it glittered underneath the sun.

I took a deep breath and focus. Concentrate on the red paint target feet away from me. A quick glance at the target and closed my eyes as I did the other day.

Shift my body, raising my arm, hand over my head and with a throw I had sharp broken gems flying out from my hand closing the distance and target as it aims right at the dot. I cheered when a loud crashing sound behind the target practice had one of the Oak trees fall back creating havoc and Grace scared running away from the scene.

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