Chapter 40

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I never realized how fast our abnormal family is beginning to become.

Since Papa and Priscilla made up, they were being more affectionate than ever calling each other pet names. Mei-Li felt very uncomfortable she gag, but I find them very romantic. Priscilla now knew that the crystals are inside of me now, she explained that I survived with bits of broken bones when I fell while holding the crystals releasing the power as it protected me.

A surprise guest arrived, appeared before us the same way Priscilla had done, calls himself Soren has given the information about Raven's necklace. With a worn out scroll with edges ripping on the side because of its age. Soren handed it to Priscilla. Then in a blink of an eye, he disappeared in a flash.

Priscilla unrolled the scroll began reading an ancient dialect I've never seen before. "What does it say, Priscilla?" I asked, curiously peering over her shoulder.


"I beg your pardon?"

"Call me Mama," she smiled over his shoulder to glance back at me. "Since you call Franklin your papa, why can't I be called mama? That goes for you too, Mei-Li."

I blushed at the moment. Mei-Li smiled, accepting the fairy as her mother. Since Priscilla had decided to move back in the cottage. I guess it won't be difficult to call her my mother. Seems that our family is completed with a father, mother, and two children living in the center of the forest next to the Dark Abyss mountains. "So, what does the scroll say, Mama?"

She smiled brightly at me turning her eyes on the scroll as she began to translate. "The Eye of Mazus," called the name of the pendant. "Own and created by the brother of Goddess Thalia, Zadimus."

"What is The Eyes of Mazus?" asked Mei-Li. "And what does it do?"

"Mazus is a demon, very evil and dangerous. Ruler of the underworld, but it had said that Zadimus wanted to create his own Enchantia crystals like his sister's but more powerful to rule the heavens. With much jealous in his heart, he killed Mazus and used his evil soul to create a purple teardrop fill with much black magic. Upon hearing her brother's wrong doing, she sealed the Eyes of Mazus deep within the kingdom of Lost, Shakran with all the other evil instruments safely secured."

"What happened to Zadimus?"

"She banished him from the realm of the Gods and was never heard from again." Mama murmured as she read the rest of the text.

"What happens when the seal is broken? What will happen to Ravena once she learns its power?" I pressed, learning and anxiously wanting to know.

"I don't know how her husband was able to retrieve the pendant on a forbidden kingdom, but it's horrifying." she said, as she read the ancient text to us. "Whoever holds The Eyes of Mazus would be granted with wishes and wealth, but since the soul of the dead underlord still rest inside the gem would emerge into a host's body with much hatred and desire for conquer that would cause for catastrophe."

"She's being controlled," I muttered, and shivered at the frightening outcome. "It's no wonder she seemed odd that day I went outing with her. She wanted more than just wealth, she wanted power. That is why she wants to marry the King." I slumped down on the chair next to me, concerning of fear rushing through me. "What are we going to do?"

"There is a way," Mama sounded determine.

"And that would be?" Mei-Li pressed.

"Zadimus stole one of the crystals to kill Mazus. Thalia was furious that her brother used the crystal for his evil scheme and use as a weapon to kill. But, it easily killed Mazus with just a cut or stab it felt poison to him."

I frowned. "I don't want to kill anybody Mama. I'm not a killer. Though honestly I want that woman to suffer the way she made me suffer."

"I know, darling," Mama gently smooth my hair, with her soothing voice. "You won't be killing anybody, Enchantia crystals aren't meant to kill humans. They are meant to protect. It's the reason why so many people wanted it to use for war but it turned out it can't kill. It would only use for defense"

"Then how?"

Mama began to think as she paced back and forth. Papa was thinking also once I asked. I looked over to Mei-Li and she shrugged. She hasn't have a slight clue. I don't blame her, I'm in the same position as she was.

"Ah!" Mama shrieked, gave everyone including Grace a fright. She and Papa sure love to scream a lot when they come up with a brilliant idea. So much alike.

"Buttercup, please don't yell like that," Papa groaned.

"Oh, don't be such a baby," Mama looked through the scroll again, reading it looking for a hint. "The only way to defeat Mazus inside Ravena, you have to pierce the Enchantia crystal through her."

I swallowed hard. My face started to feel cold and my body shake. "There's got to be another way. I can't do that to Ravena no matter how much I hated her."

"It won't kill her. As I said, Enchantia crystals can't kill humans their soul purpose is to take all that is dark and evil out of the world." she said, then I remember killing all the Borkis in the forest that night. They were pure evil, born in the night. "Once you stab your ungrateful stepmother of yours. The demon inside of her will disappear and the necklace will be nothing but ashes." She continues.

"I don't know," I said, rethinking. I've never killed anybody before.

"If she won't do it. I'll do it," Mei-Li said with no fear in her voice. "I wanted to meet the woman who cause Ella to be in pain."

"Mei-Li, put away your sword." Papa warned. "Ella must do this. She's the only one who can since she needs to face the woman herself. She has to face her nightmare."

Papa's right. Ravena was my nightmare. The reason I feel hated towards that woman. I'm playing with our act of friendship that I will soon stab her in the back one day. I hate it, but it's the only way I can overcome the dark inside of me.

"Okay, I'll do it." I courageously declared. But killing someone won't make me a better person. I have to think of a way with no blood in my hands. I've got to do this. This is for Mother, Father, my new family, for the Enchantia and for Matt.

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