Chapter 48

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"We need to get that pendant off from Ravena," I yelled through the loud wind and lightning at Mei-li. "It's the only way for me to break it and not harm her."

"Are you sure you don't want to stab the woman?"

"Mei-Li it's no time to joke around," I snarled. "As much as I want to, but this is the only way."

"It's just a suggestion," she said with a grinned, but soon fell when she yelled. "Look out!" and pushed me away from her before I would be struck by the lightning from the inside storm Ravena had created.

I stumbled back on my feet as more bolt of lightening crash from above. Ravena continuous evil laugh filled the church. Soon darkness spread covering the white church. Ravena was lifted from the floor rising above, her wedding dresses had now turned pitch black, her dark hair loose and rose up in a triangular shape, her eyes now covered blackness and she had fangs growing out from her teeth.

"I can feel the power. The power of a true God!" She laughed.

"Ravena!" Calling out to her, when she looked my heart beat from rush of fear. The way her eyes are no longer normal she glared. "You need to fight this! That necklace will devour you. You won't live."

"I don't care anymore, let it take me." She said, no concern of herself, "my life has been nothing but darkness, a lowly servant girl who's father is a drunk and beat me whenever he feels like it, and a mother who more greedy than I am with money by sleeping with other men. I was never loved but was controlled by them to force me to marry for money and power. They enjoyed their wealth. They left me without a care in the world." She tilted her head back and sniffed the air as if there are sweet fragrance lingering around her. "Now I'm demanding more than I ever had before. All the wealth and power within my grasp. I will become the world, it's queen and nothing can stop me!" She looked back at me, smirking. "Not even you, little Ella."

She laughed again.

Now I pity her even more. The reason why she's like this was because her parents never showered her with love. Explains the jealously and hatred towards my mother, whom lost both of her parents but gain love from her grandfather and people who knew her as the sweet Danielle of Cunningham estate. She received more love when she married Father but her life ended so suddenly after Ravena killed her out of jealously.

I had to stop her, all her life growing up without love is too painful for me see. I understand why she's so pushy and a brag.

The dark purple cloud opened in the center and released bat-like creatures with arms and legs, sharp fangs and pointy ears soaring in the air and screeching.

"What are these things?" Asked Mei-Li. She held her sword tight in her hands.

"I don't know but if they get out, the whole world will be in danger." I shift my hands into crystal claws and blades on the side of arms. Mei-Li swing her sword slicing one creature apart spraying blood everywhere.

Since she can handle that side, I decided to head the other but before I could handle that side I was stopped by a warm hand. I look my head over the should and saw him.

"Matt? What are you doing here?" I asked, and concerned that he's here full of dangerous creatures. "You need to get out!" I demanded.

"I should be the one to say this to you," he snapped, is he angry that I lied about myself or that I'm fighting on my own with a bunch of evil bats attacking the kingdom. Or both? "You should not be here and fight by yourself."

"Mei-Li is here. I'm not alone."

"Don't be stubborn and get out. Let me and my brothers and the army handle this."

"How about you tell Captain James to command to protect the people," I said, when one of those human-bats heading towards us. I took its neck as it squirm from my grasp and I pierced my sharp fingers through him ending his life. I ignore Matt's wide eyes. "Get out of here Matt! I can handles these myself."


"Now your being stubborn, I won't be killed easy is that's what your worrying about." His eyes advert and didn't realize what he's holding on to. "I'll explain later but for now, go!"

He didn't listen but yelled for Captain James to have the army protecting the kingdom outside the church. He unsheathed his sword.

"Matt! No! Get out of here." I growled.

"No, I'm not leaving you." He did a maneuver and killed one who was about to jump him. "Besides, I haven't been in battle for a while." He grinned, killing another.

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't hide a smile.

But that stance, now it's clear to me somehow but I remember that pose. From somewhere, but where?

"Don't forget about us, the chivalry has arrived." Lucas yelled behind, and the rest of the Aurelius brothers joined the battle with their weapons in their hands and taking their position. "Miss me, sweetheart," he winked at Mei Li which made her groaned with irritation.

I shook my head at Lucas cockiness. To be honest I'm glad they came.

More of those dark evil bat continues to fly around causing a havoc.

With the use of the bit of the sun's ray I blind one and instantly slice him open into two. I fought each and every one of them growing weary and tired but I couldn't quit now. I need to stop Ravena and closed that portal.

"Ella! Look out! Behind you," I heard Mei-Li called out to me I was too late to turn until I saw a flash of ray light shot through the heart killing it.

I turned my head to find Mama and Papa standing there. Papa had brought his machine he been working on.

"Don't worry Ella, we will take care of these ugly monsters." He click a rod and the machine moved creating thundering sounds aiming each and every one of the dark bats with arrows taking them down easily. "You go get that evil stepmother of yours and destroy that pendant."

"Papa," I whispered. "Mama."

"Go on dear, your Mama here can poof them into dust." He said with a smile. "Don't want to get her angry." Another click on the rod caused his machine to turn around in full circles and he let out a battle cry.

I smiled, but let it fall from my face as I stood face to face with the woman who ruined everything that I love. "It's just you and me, Ravena."

"Oh, I'm very frighten." She said sarcastically, and chuckled at my bravery. "Let's see who has the power now, Ella?"

"I'll end you, my lovely stepmother," I said, imitating her.

She roared angrily, showing her fangs and aim right for me.

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