Chapter 10

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It hasn't been long after back from a neighboring kingdom. Now that I'm home, I sure hope Father would be proud of me. Not that I happy about.

"Father?" knocking on two tall decorative porcelain doors. I heard my Father's voice muffled through allowing me in. "I'm back Father."

The same color blue eyes looked up, some would say I'm the exact splitting image of Father. All my brothers have his blue eyes, the strong and powerful eyes of William Aurelius.

"Matthias, my son," Father greeted me with open arms, with that proud smile of his. "How did the proposal go?"

Always straight to the political aspect. "It went well, Father."

Father out from his seat. Put an arm around my back as we walk out of his studies. "I heard your bride-to-be is beautiful."

Yes, beautiful but never caught my eye. She's not worth to be pampered like a diamond found in a haystack. Then crystal blue eyes and shining gold locks popped in my mind.

"Son, I know you and your brothers sure don't like me interfering with someone you find attractive. But for the sake of the kingdom, you have to marry a princess." Father said clearly.

Princess or not, I will not marry someone who I barely know. I find that it's unhealthy for a married couple not interacting with each other. Besides, one party will be hurt and that would not be me.

"Listen to me, Matthias." Father put a stop in the hall of portraits of past kings before him. "Always listen to my advice and don't fall in love."

"What if I do?" I asked before Father walks off but stops. "What if I do fall in love with someone, who isn't a princess? What should you do then?"

Father turned his head over his shoulder and said these words that could scare me forever. "Love only leads to death and death to chaos. Remember that son." He continued to walk but was stopped again when one of the messaged whispered in his ear. Father's face fallen from a devastating news.

"Father? What's wrong?" I asked, in concern.

He let out a huge sighed. "Lord Ashford, died."

"How?" Struck by such sad news.


"And his daughter?" Asking anxiously, "what of her?"

"Some say she fell off the cliff." Father shakes his head. "Her body wasn't found. Poor girl. I also pity Lady Ashford as well. I bet she's in real broken to the heart."

I couldn't believe Lord Ashford was killed and his daughter too with her body missing. What has happen to the world?

Father clicked his tongue. "Come, don't pull on a long face my boy. Your brothers will be arriving soon as well. Let's go greet them." He forced a smile hiding his grief over the death of his close friend.

A loud and disturbing grunt escaped my throat. Father sure know how to put a man in love down. It's too late to break off the marriage, but can't argue no further.

I found someone who's more beautiful than a spoiled princess. The girl, Danielle. Enchanting and kind Daniella. Her golden locks hair neatly settle over her head and softly touched the clothes, her crystal eyes that seem to good to be addicted just to look at them every day as if worn as an accessory.

The golden hair maiden was the most beautiful creature I've ever met. I have high hopes to see her again.

The sounds of greeted trumpets alarm the whole castle the arrival of my brothers. Surely, all six of us have a story to tell on our journey meeting our betroth.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・⚜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"Matthias!" The second eldest of my brothers, Lucas, gave me a brotherly hug. All six brothers gathered in the garden, one spot where we used to play as children. Father never knew the spot. I tried to look well for them and not show any sadness of both my arrange marriage and the sudden deaths of the Ashford father and daughter. The look upon your face tells me you argued with Father again."

Lucas, for his mischievous play with any women he sets his eyes on. Flirts with more than one woman. From a mother who's from the kingdom of romance, Amoria Kingdom. It's the reason Father fell for Lucas's mother, Lucinda Wilson so easily. She was, after all, a beautiful woman with a quick charm to seduce my father. Then she died of an incurable illness.

"More like persuading him to take me out of this disastrous wedding," I groaned, with a voice of irritation.

"How can you persuade the almighty King William?" said Raj, the fourth with his long hair in a braid back hung over his shoulder. With his Sherwani hardly covering his bare chest, harem pants, loafers, and many gold jewelry from head to toe Raj is a beautiful man compared to us. Sometimes he would be mistaken as a woman because of his hair but he loves it long which is a mystery. "Father is very stubborn." He chuckled.

Niraj or we called him Raj, hismother, Ariya Sahli is from a kingdom called Hamadi, placed blanket with sand and burning heat from the sun. Known to great trading post for its materials and merchandise. It's the reason for his tan skin. People would say he's not our brother because he look completely different from us, but the eyes are solid proof. His mother also died of illness it really struck a knife to Raj's heart after her death and kept in his room for six months until he was able to be himself.

"Then you try and convince him you don't want to marry someone you don't love." I snapped at Raj.

"Easy there, Matt," Brendan, the third brother and the peacemaker placed his hand on my shoulder. "We understand how you feel about this wedding father had us commit, we all do. You're not the only one, brother."

My fifth brother's mother, Irina Goodman was from a place everywhere is really green and full of an ocean of flowers called the Dumont Kingdom; also known for their famous bread which our kingdom orders every day from.

I let out a frustrating sound for the whole kingdom to hear. Then let myself settle on a bench. Holding my massive head full of worries and frustration.

"Since the five of us doesn't have a real reason to call off the engagement," Eugene, the third brother began. "You must have one."

I looked at him, flashing all my stress out. Eugene, a true warrior covered in heavy armor surely loves to fight. His mother, Eileen Morkoff is from a land where mighty soldiers are born, the kingdom of Kaverin. He's stronger than any of us combine. Got himself a position as General of the Royal army at the age of thirteen.

While I look at him, I looked at my other brothers until the last of the brothers, the youngest blurt out the answer. "You have someone in your mind, don't you?"

"He does?" Lucas questioned, and disappointed that the Nicolas the youngest sought the answer first than him revolving around girls. "How do you know?"

"You may the romantic type, my dear brother but I'm much smarter," Nicolas implied with a smirk that once again flash his brains. Lucas growled, which gave the other brothers to laugh.

The sixth brother of the Aurelius brothers is smarter than all of us. Reads books daily as his spare time and loves to give boring lectures. His mother, Dorothy Lealian from a kingdom called Trakas, a small place but has lots of archives around the world. Also known as the Library Kingdom, a place I believe close to where the Kaverin Kingdom lies.

"So, who's the girl?" Asked Raj.

I pulled a man who fell in love at first sight and smiled. "Her name is Danielle."

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