Chapter 12

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He's a prince?!

I know he wore such expensive attire and many men behind him because of his nobility, but I would never have thought he's a prince.

I never told Papa about my meeting with Matt not telling him about my dreams about him either wasn't proper for a lady to dream about a man they just met. But Mother said if I ever dreamt of a man then it means he's destined for me as my soulmate like she and Father were fated to be together until the end. Mother left before Father, now that Father is gone too. The heavens can have them until the end of unconditional love.

"Your apple?" His voice, like music to my ears.

I had wished many times to see him again. Our little talk in the forest that day was enjoyable. And now that dream came true except surprised at his title.

Matt studied me. Staring me close in his expression shows he knows me. His ocean blue eyes through my crystal blue eyes. My heart thumped.

I snatched the apple from him putting it inside. I felt his eyes on me with every move. Sweat began to appear from my head. I paid Marian for the apples before pivoting my feet and run as fast as I could.

"Wait!" Matt took hold of my forearm. "Have I seen you before?"

Oh no.

My heart beat. I wanted to meet him but not here where every single person I buy from all knows me. If they see me, then Ravena will soon know and wouldn't be pleased that I'm still alive. I need to run.

I hesitated and threw the bag of apples at him and bolt out of the area before I heard him called out to me to a halt.

I ignored his calling, my mind told me to keep running until you get into the forest.

Earlier hooves thundering behind me caught up. "Wait!" Yelled Matt.

I can't let him see me. Looking over my shoulder, it was him and the other princes behind me. Running on the ground won't be easy to lose them. It's time to put my skills to the test.

Increase my speed. I gave the heel of my feet a hard push off the ground creating a massive jump to the sky disappearing from their site.

I hid with the use of the leaves and crouched the arm of the tree spying on Matt and his brothers.

"Have you seen him?" He asked. His horse is dancing around as he scanned his surrounding.

"That was some quick escape," awe one of the princes. Who seemed to be intrigued

"Matthias, why did you chase him?" One brother, with his hair like a ray of the sun, went next to him.

"I don't know," he confessed. "I felt I've seen him before."

"Probably from your travel?" Question an olive color skin prince with lots of gold dangling around his neck and wrist.

"Maybe," he hissed in frustration brushing his dark hair. "Those eyes...I've seen them before. I know it."

"Don't tell me, brother; you miss that lady friend of yours?" The sandy hair wiggled his brows. "What her name again? Danielle?"

"Lucas, stop," said another prince. I haven't realized Matt, and his brothers have the same eye color. Ocean blue.

Matt groaned, rubbing his temples. "I'm losing it."

Then another brother of his, who's a bit bigger than him brought his horse next to his and touched Matt's shoulder. "I'm sure you will see her again," he said, giving Matt the encouragement.

"I sure hope so," blowing a breath.

"Come! Let's go back." Said the sandy hair prince.

Five of them rode off back to the kingdom, but Matt stayed for a bit look around the forest. Just seeing him again made my heart jump for joy. I thought of him secretly and not showing in front of Papa and Grace. It's too embarrassing.

He's been looking for me, and I was just there, seeing eye to eye.

The way our eyes lock, I felt my whole body shiver. The touch of his hand on my arm felt a bolt of lightning through my entire body or like one of Papa's invention.

His brothers called him, he turned his horse around and followed them.

Out of view, I dropped down from a high tree lightly and watched him.

It has been a week since out fateful encounter, and my mind filled with images of him. My heart smiled, but my mind was then taking over with worries. Worries if he found out the truth.

If we ever get to meet face to face again. How long will it take for me to be out in the open? He probably heard the news of a daughter killing her father. The hardest part is to tell him the whole truth. But who he will believe? Me? Or the woman accusing me such crime.

I can sense that he will believe the people's choice of voice. I have the urge to tell him who I am, but no real words came out that day. He would be angry and hate me. I didn't want that. Didn't want him to give me the look of disappointment. He will hate me more if he finds out I'm not what I'm used to be.

No more fragile and sweet Ella, but a monster.

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